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Loud music was blaring in Sunoo's ears but he didn't care and continued chugging shots as if they were plain water. He wiped the sweat off of his forehead with the back of his hand and tried to cool himself down which was kind of hard considering that there were so many hot people around him. Literally.

Sunoo was sitting on one of the wooden stools in a nearby bar slash club where sweaty people were dancing like crazy, grinding against each other, or simply passed out in corners. This is the last place he had ever wanted to come to, so what was he doing here you ask? Well, he doesn't know either. All he remembers is running out of Sunghoon's house to this nearby bar and getting himself drunk like crazy. That's all he remembers.

"Mr. Bartender" he sat up as straight as possible and waved in the air. "Can I get a refill?" He pointed at the empty glasses and pouted.

This was the third time Sunoo had asked for a refill and that made the man behind the counter lowkey worry about the younger. At first, he didn't mind because his customer was not a minor and had sufficient cash to pay for his drinks, but judging by his disheveled appearance, the man felt bad for him, and instead of tequila, he filled the twelve small glasses with iced water and slid the tray across to Sunoo who was too out of his mind to even recognize the liquid he was drinking.

"Why" Sunoo groaned, "why do you hate me so much"

Sunoo's eyes soon filled with tears and he felt his heart getting crushed. All he wanted to do was scream his lungs out. He wanted to hit something to let his anger and frustration out that has been building up for the last couple of days but before his feet could even touch the ground, he felt his head getting lighter and lighter each second, he felt light enough to fly and before he even knew, Sunoo was out cold.


Spring. His favorite time of the year, when birds come out early in the morning to sing their beautiful songs and play, bees and butterflies flying lazily in the flower fields, trees sprouting new leaves, and the best of all is the wind that ruffles his hair like lovingly. He loves spring and the best way to enjoy this lovely weather is by going out to the park and drinking his favorite strawberry milkshake.

Today was the same. He was drinking strawberry milkshake, yes, but instead of sitting on a bench somewhere in the park, Sunoo was busy sorting through the gigantic heap of paperwork that was in front of him.

Being a college student is hard, especially when you are in your last year and a hotel management student. Everything was so difficult for him with final exams just around the corner and he still hadn't submitted half of his assignments.

"Jin hyung" he spoke on the phone. "Are you here already?"
Sunoo looked outside the glass windows and saw his older brother's car waiting for him, Kim Seokjin waving at him from the inside.

Picking up his bag and study material in one hand and his pink drink in the other, Sunoo got up from his seat and very carefully walked to the door, trying his best to push it open without dropping anything.

"I still cannot believe Germany lost. I feel betrayed-"

Just as Sunoo was about to carefully push the door, two brunette men who looked to be in their mid-twenties, walked over to the entrance engrossed in their conversation, not paying attention to anything that was happening around them, and pulled on the glass door, making Sunoo stumble forwards.

Everything happened in slow motion. Sunoo watched his papers fall on the ground and his drink fly across the floor and land on a very expensive surface that happened to be the man's coat that he was wearing.

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