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Jake read the texts once again before pushing open the glass doors and entering the Cafe where he was supposed to be meeting his friend. Heesung had texted him saying that he would be a bit late so Jake decided to order himself a drink and wait for the older.

The two boys had been texting each other for the past week or so and had decided to hang out again. For some reason, Jake was excited but nervous at the same time. It has been years since Jake went out with a potential date and this was freaking him out but he knew there was no point because Heesung was a sweetheart.

"Hi doc" a voice called out to Jake who was busy sipping his vanilla latte, making him choke on the sweet drink.

"H-hi" he coughed and looked up to see the man that had just walked in.

"Hi" Heesung chuckled and pulled out the chair across from him and sat down. "Did you wait for long?"

"Fifteen minutes" Jake replied.

"That's definitely long" Heesung winked at him and grabbed a tissue, wiping the drink from Jake's mouth.

"Th-thanks" Jake visibly blushed under the older's touch and shrunk back.

"I'm starving" Heesung groaned, opening the menu and flipping the pages to find something he would like.

Jake observed the older while he searched for the perfect meal. He had doe eyes, which Jake had already noticed, but Heesung also had beautiful eyebrows and eyelashes which were too perfect to be a man's. His long but perfectly sculpted nose and his plush pink lips complemented his high cheekbones. Heesung is handsome, no doubt about that.

"Take a picture" Heesung smirked. "That would last longer"

Jake mentally face palmed himself. He hated getting caught staring.

"Sorry" he muttered.

"Naah, it's okay" Heesung smiled. "What do you want to have?"

Jake skimmed the menu once even though he always picked the same dish. Double cheeseburger and fries. His go-to food combo.

"So, Jake Sim" Heesung took a bite of his white pasta, "tell me more about yourself."

Jake panicked. Whenever someone asks him to talk about himself, his mind goes blank and he forgets who he is, and what his name is.

"I-i" he began. "I am 26. I finished college last year and right now I'm an intern at my dad's hospital. My favorite subject is biochemistry and human anatomy"

Heesung put down his fork and stared at the younger for a solid minute, making Jake sweat under his gaze.

"You are cute" Heesung blurted out and started laughing.

Jake was confused. Did he say something wrong? Did he just embarrass himself in front of the older?

"I meant" Heesung patted his chest to stop laughing and drank some water. "Your interests. What do you do on your days off?" 

Jake thought for a while before shaking his head. "I don't really know"

He started playing with his food, only wanting the ground to open up and swallow him whole. He was such a bad talker. He just ruined everything.

"Well," Heesung started. "Do you like watching movies?"

Jake shook his head. "Only when I'm with my friends. I prefer dramas"

"That's cool. What's your favorite drama?" Heesung asked, smiling.

"Vincenzo" Jake's eyes sparkled thinking about the show he had watched more than twenty times.

"I've never watched it. Tell me about it"

And that's what he did. Jake started telling him the story from the very beginning about the main lead who was adopted by an Italian family and how he later becomes a lawyer and joins the mafia after his adopted dad's death.

"After Fabio dies, Paolo, Fabio's biological son and the new leader of the Cassano Family attempts to kill Vincenzo. The audacity!" Jake slammed his fist on the wooden table.

"Kill Vincenzo? They must be out of their minds" Heesung agreed. "What happened next?" Heesung's eyes were sparkling and that encouraged Jake to continue the drama story.

He narrated the scenes where the male lead joined forces with the rival attorney to win the ownership of the building where all the Chinese gold was buried and how he reclaimed the entire plaza and recovered his fortunes.

What he didn't notice was that Heesung had stopped paying attention to whatever he was telling him. Instead, the older was busy staring at him with a small smile on his face.

"All this time we thought we were weak.  But we weren't weak. We just didn't try to be strong" Jake looked at Heesung, "when Song Joong ki said this, I felt chills"

Heesung nodded and continued smiling.

"Umm," Jake scratched the back of his neck. "Is there something on my face?"

"Yeah" Heesung replied. "Handsomeness"

And that's where he melted. Jake literally turned into a tomato and had to cover his face with his hands, earning a chuckle from the older.

"We should watch it together someday" Heesung sipped his americano. "The drama. I like the storyline"

Jake nodded his head in enthusiasm. "We should. You will love it"

After chatting comfortably for what felt like hours, they decided to meet again soon.

"We could've split the bill." Jake pouted. "I feel bad"

"It was me who asked you out on a date today. How can I possibly ask you to pay even a penny?"

Jake's ears perked up when he heard what Heesung had just said. "D-date?"

"Yeah." Heesung smiled. "At least for me it's a date"

Jake's heart started pounding in his chest. It has been years since he last went out on a date with somebody and that made butterflies erupt in his stomach.

"I'll pay" Jake started. "I'll pay on our next date"

Heesung's eyes widened upon hearing the younger's response and a huge grin made its way to his lips.

"It's a deal then?" He extended his pinky and Jake laughed, locking his finger with his.



Heesung has my heart 😩

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