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I'm really sorry Jake, but something urgent came up at the last moment

Can we reschedule?

I promise I'll make it up to you then

Jake re-read the text messages for the fifth time that Heeseung had sent him an hour prior to their date and sighed. He was so excited but instead of feeling angry at Heeseung for canceling it last moment, Jake was worried. Something like this had never happened before in the past and he just wanted to make sure that the older was alright which he guessed he wasn't because Heeseung wasn't picking up his phone. Maybe there was an important meeting? Jake doesn't know and now he was left hanging.

"Stop sighing child" Jay put down the tray of empty utensils and put it on his kitchen counter before walking over to Jake who was sitting at the dining table. "You have been stressing your fragile lungs for the past hour."

Jake rolled his eyes. "We are the same age dude"

Jay shook a crooked finger and smiled his famous raised lip smile. "I was born first so I'm technically your hyung"

Jake let out a dry laugh, "then according to this logic, Sunghoon is our baby maknae?"

Jay chuckled. "A maknae for me but a baby for you, sure"

Jake smacked his friend's arm who pretended as if he broke his bone.

"By the way," Jay rubbed his elbow with his left palm, "Jungwon said thank you"

"He didn't have to" Jake shook his head.

"I know" Jay smirked. "But my babe has manners"

"Yeah, that's right. Tell him to call me whenever he needs to." Jake replied earning a thumbs up from Jay.

Jake was at Jay's and Jungwon's place because the younger had tripped and fallen down the stairs while working last night, spraining his ankle pretty bad, and Jay had asked Jake to hurry and check his injury which thankfully wasn't too bad. Just three days in bed with hot pads was what was needed.

"So," Jay picked up a tangerine from the fruit bowl and started peeling it. "Something troubling you?" He handed Jake the peeled tangerine and picked up another one for himself. "You seem troubled"

Jake popped a slice of the citrus fruit, letting the sour and sweet taste fill his mouth. "My date canceled on me"

Jay's eyes widened. "Why?"

Jake shook his head. "I don't know. He texted me that he had to take care of something urgent"

Jake handed Jay his phone with Heeseung's chat opened and showed him the texts.

"Hmm" Jay read the texts carefully before analyzing the older's each word. "He sounds busy"

Jake laughed. "I know that"

"Now that I think about it," Jay eyed Jake, "you never showed me his picture. Is he that ugly?"

"Nope," Jake took a bite of his apple. "The opposite actually"

Jay was curious so he clicked on this Heeseung dude's profile picture only for him to drop Jake's phone in shock.

"You are dating Him?" Jay looked at Jake with shock-filled eyes.

"Not really but why what happened?" He said picking up his phone.

"That's Lee Heeseung" Jay half yelled.

"I know?" Jake said. "How do you know him?"

"Who doesn't know Lee Heeseung, the God of this gaming world? He is the creator of my favorite game Superstar Enhypen" Jay explained. "I can't believe my best friend is dating the CEO of Belift tech""

Jake scratched his neck and thought for a second. He remembers Heeseung talking about making games but Jake had no idea he would be the mastermind behind his best friend's addiction. He for real thought Heeseung to have made games like Crush Candy.

"Obviously he had to cancel your date" Jay crossed his arms, "he is a busy man"

Jake nodded. "Yeah, I think so too"

The two boys sat eating fruits for a couple of minutes before Jay spoke up again.

"You have a day off don't you?" He asked, collecting all the tangerine peels on the table.

"Yeah" Jake replied, helping his friend to throw away the fruit waste in the dustbin. "And now that my date is canceled, I don't really have anything to do."

"So, you want to stay here or go back home?"

Jake put a hand on his chest dramatically. "You want me to leave? I thought you loved me"

Jay rolled his eyes and let out a sigh. "Kinda but I also like to spend time with Jungwon."

"And I'm not stopping you" Jake smiled innocently.

"Alone" Jay pinched the bridge of his nose. "I meant spending time with him alone"

Jake continued smiling and batted his eyelids. "How about a bros sleepover? You, me, and Jungwon all cuddled up? Sounds good?"

Jay had to resist punching his friend in the face. He really likes Jake, don't get him wrong, it's just that Jungwon was alone in his room and Jay really wanted to snuggle him and sleep, something he hasn't been able to do for the last three days because of work.

"Wait a minute" Jay took out his phone and dialed a number. "I know someone who can hang out with you"

"Yah Sunghoon" Jay spoke as soon as the person on the other side picked up the call. "Come and get your puppy. He is getting on my nerves."

Jake's mouth fell open when he heard the name Sunghoon. "Why did you call him?" He almost yelled and kicked Jay who was chuckling.

"Don't you like his company?" He wiggled his eyebrows.

"It's not like that" Jake ran a hand through his hair.

"Relax man. You guys are best friends. Why are you acting like this?" Jay asked.

Jake shook his head. He hadn't told Jay about the night when Sunghoon drunkenly kissed him and mysteriously broke up with Sunoo two days later. "Nothing"

"Well, here he is" the doorbell rang and Jay walked to the door to let his other friend in.

"Hi" Sunghoon cutely waved at Jay who hugged him tightly.

"Thank you for coming" Jay pretended to wipe a tear. "You saved me from this wild chihuahua"

"I can hear you" Jake tied the laces of his shoes and dusted his pants. "And I don't look like a chihuahua"

"You certainly act like one, especially when you are hungry" Jay joked, earning a laugh from Sunghoon.

"I agree" he chuckled at Jake who was standing with his cheeks puffed out. "A cute chihuahua"

"Chihuahuas are not cute" Jake replied and walked out of the door.

"Aww, Jakey" Sunghoon cooed. "Wait for me" He bid goodbye to Jay and ran after the boy.

"Peace at last" Jay let out a breath and skipped over to Jungwon's room with a smile on his face after locking the door behind him.


Next chapter is going to be, let's say,

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