Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

       The rest of the night was amazing! It was so much fun just to relax, not think about anything. Just be myself with Jack and his pack. We told more stories, and they made me laugh till I cried. I herd stories of things they've done before I came, and I suddenly felt closer to them.

       Sam sang for us some more, and played on his guitar. Me and Devon even got up at one point and danced in the sand. But there was still one thing that was on my mind the whole time. The story Devon told, about the lost guardian wolf. I know for sure I've never even herd that story before, never mind any werewolf legend, but there was something about that one. I don't know why, but it was familiar to me.

       But I didn't want to think about that right now. No, I was having a good time, and no superstitiousfeeling towards a story was going to ruin that for me. Other than that, It was one of the best days Iv'e had in a while! But like all good times, it had to end. The moon grew low, and the fire slowly died out.

       Being with them made me realize they were almost like my family now. They were all wonderful people and I realized they all cared about me. Funny how the people who should hate me are the ones who care. Because who was I kidding? My family hated me.

       But I've learned to put that behind me right now. I would get my answers...just not now. Maybe we had this huge misunderstanding that I was missing, or maybe I was the one who was wrong...but I find that to be highly doubtful.

       Anyways, after we realized it was time to start heading back I was glad to be accompanied by everyone else. They technically didn't have a curfew, but they agreed they would leave cause they knew I had to return home due to my "situation." I had to be home to wake up for school or else I was most likely going to joke.

       It was nice to walk home with all them, too. They were good company! I was in front walking hand in hand with Jack while Nick was next to us, wrapped in the arms of Devon. Sam was in the back with his hands in his pockets, as happy as could be. And Courtney, I believe, was actually smiling.

       I glanced back at her, but the minute she saw me see her smile, it was gone in a flash. I know she was a threatening, psycho bitch, but deep down I think she was really good. She was just slightly confused and slighlty jealous of me. But I think in her own special way, she liked me. At least, I hope.

       Eventually we made it to the edge of the woods where I could just barely see my house. The moon was still out, and now there was a slight chill the air. Everyone waved good-bye to me and turned into wolves, running deep into the forest with the sound of crunching leaves behind them. But Jack stayed back for a second, for me.

       He took my hands into his and gave me a look of absolute joy. "Elsie, I'm so happy you came tonight! You looked so happy, and I really think my pack is starting to like you. I mean, you like them, right...?"

       I legit almost laughed out loud. "Well of course I like them! They treat me better then my own family does. In fact, I feel like I'm part of the family almost. If that makes sense?"

       Now he was the one laughing. "Yes, I guess that would make sense. We're a pack, it's what we do. And you are apart of it."

       I was, wasn't I? It felt so good to hear that, and in my heart I wished for nothing but to go back into the forest with Jack, to go home with him. Into the woods, where I felt I belonged. But he and I both knew this could never be, not as long as my messed up family was in the picture. In pained me just thinking about returning home now...I didn't want to go back there.

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