Chapter 22

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Chapter 22

For a few moments, we stayed like that. Staring at Courtney, and her staring back. Her feet were planted firmly in the ground, her chin lifted and an expression that said "come at me!". The only thing that could be herd was the whispering wind and the trees rustling. It felt like forever we just stared at each other, waiting for something to happen.

But like all things, nothing lasts forever.

Jack, Devon, and Nick all sprung into wolf form and charged at Courtney. She gave a small smirk as they stood before her; growling, teeth snapping, ready to attack. She put a hand on her hip and a gave a bored sigh.

"Oh, give it a rest you guys! There's no need for you to attack or anything. I'm not here to take your precious Elsie." She said my name with disgust, like I was something to be bothered by. Like I was nothing. Like it was dirt, or something poisonous.

I clutched my journal in my hand tighter as I waited in anticipation on what the wolves would do.  They seemed to hesitate a moment, but they still snarled at her. Courtney seemed annoyed that they weren't listening to her and rolled her eyes.

"Listen, cut the wolf thing out. I only have a message, and it's kind of hard to tell it when you guys are all dogs!"

Jack, Devon, and Nick glanced at each other than shifted back into people. Courtney smirked in satisfaction at them finally listening to her. I ran over to join them by Jack's side, him putting one arm around my waist defending me.  

"What do you want Courtney?" Nick spat at her. It was surprising to see how much their attitude towards her changed once they had found out about her betrayal. Just the other day, she was their "loyal" pack member. And now, she was officially their enemy. I could only imagine what thoughts were going through their heads right now.

"I told you, I'm only here because I have a message! Well, more like a warning..." she said as she started curling a piece of her perfect blond hair around her finger. She then starting humming to herself and I felt Jack's arm tighten in frustration with her.

"Just spit it out already!" he shouted, anxiety stretched in his voice.

"Alright, alright! Calm down....I just have a warning from Eva know...her fake mumzy." she said as she nodded her head towards me. "By the way how are you Elsie? You had a nasty fall out of a window last time I saw you. Things going okay?" Her lips were up in thin, smirked smile and voice dripped with sarcasm.

"Better than you, you sleazy little bitch."

"Oooo....Ouch." she said, making an "O" shape with her mouth.

"Enough already!" Devon shouted. "I'm sick of these little games. Just tell us what Eva said then get the hell out of here."

"Well fine. I tried to tell her  you guys would obviously say no, but she thought it be fair enough if I asked you anyways. Elsie here can't turn into the guardian wolf until the full moon, so she's exposed until then..."

"We already know that." Nick put in.

"I figured that. Seeing as you guys are oh so very smart.  And basically, Eva doesn't want that. Let's just say it wouldn't be to good for the vampires. So she wants Missy gone before that day which is two nights?"

We all stared at her in silence, not answering her question. We still knew this is what Eva wanted. We didn't need Courtney here to tell us she wanted me dead.

"Anyways, so I guess you know that we sorta need to kill her. Eva sent me to take her with me so we could finish this, and no one gets hurt. She says your lives will be spared if you just let her go."

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