Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

       I was in my room now, sitting with Patrick. It was late, but we both really didn't care. He stared at me with beckoning eyes, waiting for me to go on with whatever I had to say. I didn't want to tell him, but what other option did I have? I was cornered, no escaping the truth. And I was the one who had put myself there. I just hope my out come after this wouldn't be to horrible.

       "Ok, Elsie, are you going to tell me or not? You've been moping around for the past fifteen minutes. Whatever the matter, I'm sure its not that bad." he told me. I knew he meant good, but I just honestly didn't know how he was going to take this. He's always been there for me before, but the problem was never usually this big.

       "Listen. I need you to listen with an open mind. I know some things I'm going to tell you may seem...different, but I'm begging you to understand. No one else has taken the time to listen, and I just hope you will."

       He nodded his head at me and started pacing the room. "I'm listening."

       I took a deep breath. Might as well just get this over with then drag it out. " different. From most vampires. I'm not exactly"

      He stopped pacing and leaned against the wall, listeninging intently. "Go on...."

       "It's kind of funny, really."...he wasn't laughing. "Um...I don't exactly, like...Blood."

       He narrowed his eyebrows at me in confusion. "What? Elsie, what the heck are you talking about?"

       I shrugged my shoulders at him. "I don't know...I just don't like it. I mean, as far as I can remember."

       "Elsie, that's crazy talk. Your a vampire! Vampires kind of like blood. What else are you trying to say?"

       ", along with that, you know how I've told you I've always felt different? Well, it even goes further then not liking blood...."

       I could tell he was still listening, but something else was going on. He was listening, but he also kept looking around as if he expected someone else to be listening too. He seemed nervous to hear what I had to say. Like he knew what was coming, but he didn't want to believe it.

       "You know those werewolves that live here too? The ones you were talking about in school?" I asked him.

       "Ya, but what about them? Elsie, you haven't talked to them or anything have you? There dangerous. Stay, AWAY."

       He was getting me angry now. I told him to just hear me out, and he was completely shutting me off! He didn't normally act like this when I talk to him. Something was different...

       "Ok, can you please just listen?! I'm trying to tell you that yes, I have talked to them! But its something else, and I really need you to listen."

       He seemed even more on edge now. Okay, now I was scared of him too. He was really mad about this, and I mean really mad!

       "One of the pack members...I sort of found my mate."

       He exploded. He completely lunged himself at me in blinding speed and I screamed. I was able to flip him over and pin him down. He was struggling against me grip as he hissed at me. He then found his strength and pinned me against the wall, anger filling his eyes.

       "Patrick, what the heck are you doing?! I thought you would be able to understand!" I said, tears coming from my eyes.

       "I actually do understand Elsie, more than you know. But this is insane! I told you not to go near those wolves and mess with them, or it would cause trouble!"

       "But it didn't! I found someone who cared about me, I found my soul mate!"

       "Don't tell me your actually in love with this guy..." I kept silent and put my head down, giving up my body to his grip. "Oh this is not good. Elsie..."

       "What?" I asked through watery eyes. What was so bad? Yes it was a shocker, but Jack's family had welcomed me right in. Even my only family member who I thought would understand, couldn't bring him self to do so.

       "There are things, things you don't know. We have family secrets, and your just so clueless about them. I wish I could tell you Elsie, but I can't. And these things your telling me aren't going to help me, and they most certainly aren't going to help you."

       I looked back at him. What was he talking about? I thought I was the one with the secrets! Maybe I was wrong....

       "Patrick, what are you talking about? What secrets? Are you hiding something to? Is it mom?"

      He narrowed his eyes at me again. "What do you know about mom?"

       " I don't know! All I know is that I think she's hiding something, and I think you're in on it to."

       He had a guilty expression on his face, and he wouldn't look me in the eye. I reached for the empty vile with the writing on it I grabbed earlier from my pocket. I put it in his face, so he was forced to see it.

       "Do you know what this is?" I asked forcefully.

       He shrugged. "Maybe. Maybe not. But Elsie, you have got to not mention any of this, ok? You're in danger, and I don't want to see you get hurt. Just keep your mouth shut and don't talk about this stuff ever again, okay?"

        "But what are you hiding from me? Patrick, you have to tell me! Your my brother!"

       He let go of his grip on me and slowly walked away. "I'm so sorry Elsie, but I can't."

       I wasn't giving up so easily. He started walking out the door, but I caught up in front of him, face to face. " If you truly cared, you would tell me what your hiding. Other wise, I don't see how I'm apart of this family."

       He was on the boiling point again. I could imagine steam and smoke coming out of his ears, his eyes glowing in frustration. "ITS BECAUSE YOUR NOT!" After he said that, I could see he regretted it.


       "Excuse me." He then pushed me out of the way and headed back down the hall, and down the stairs, leaving me alone with more questions, and feeling slightly depressed.

       What did he mean I wasn't part of this family? Of course I was!...Wasn't I?

       I went back into my room and stared out my window. The moon was high in the sky, and the stars twinkled like diamonds. I didn't feel safe in this house anymore, knowing there was a secret against me. I didn't know if what Patrick said was true, or if he just said it out of anger. But if it was true, then I would not cry.

       No. No tears would be shed for what was to be thought of this pitiful family. I would find out what they were hiding. I would uncover the truth, remove the mask. We would see who was so truthful in the end. They couldn't hide from their secrets forever, just like I couldn't hide from mine.

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