Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

When I told Jack I was the lost guardian wolf, he stood speechless. I could see how it would be quite shocking to him, but it no longer was a mystery to me anymore. And eventually, to him, it made sense too. It was great to finally know what the big mystery was, like a giant weight off my shoulders. My only question was...what now?

Soon by the end of the day and more talk over what has happened; me, Patrick, and Jack eventually made it to Jack's house over a long trek of woods. My feet killed and blistered up, my body sore all over. I could tell by the looks on their face and the way they held themselves that Jack and Patrick felt the that way, too.

Once we made by nightfall we were greeted by Jack's worried parents and sister. We sat down with them at the kitchen table and explained everything, from my first suspicions to being different, to finding the potion, to discovering who I was. I even told then about Courtney...which shocked them the most. They had the same reaction as Jack, with mouths hung open and eyes filled with wonder. They're leader had returned...yet, I wasn't that leader yet.

 "OK, so...I have one question." Devon asked me.


"If your the guardian wolf...well when will you become her? Like, I mean a werewolf. 'Cause you obviously aren't one now."

I sat up straighter in my chair, cleared my throat, and folded my hands in front of me. I had thought about that too, wondering when exactly I would remember everything, being called "Willa", and actually become a werewolf.

"Well, I actually might have a theory about that, if you guys could answer a question for me." I asked them with a slight cock to my head.

Mr. and Mrs. Florence gave each other a look and shrugged at me. "Um, sure...Shoot."

"Well as you know, the potion Mrs. Amber supplied to me from the witch Melinda made me to believe I was a vampire, lose my memory, and I think block my powers from shifting to a werewolf."

Patrick nodded and continued for me. "And I know for a fact from being around my mother and Melinda that the affects of a potion will wear off if not given after twenty four hours. But, I don't think that will automatically make her a werewolf or remember everything, because it hasn't happened yet. So---"

"So we were wondering that when you have a werewolf who was born to be one, when would they first shift?" I finished for him.

To my right, I saw a small light bulb go off in Jack's head. Like something just clicked for him, and he knew what we were on too. "Oh that's easy! I can shift whenever I want now, but I couldn't start until after my first full moon transformation."

I smiled at him and nodded vigorously, letting him know he was catching on. "Precisely! I believe that during my first full moon shift after being off the potion, I will transform into my true self as Willa the guardian wolf."

Everyone started smiling and nodding their heads in excitement. If this theory was correct, it could mean so much for the werewolf society!

"But the next full moon is in three days! What could happen between then that could stop the transformation?" Devon asked me with fear in her eyes.

I paused for a moment and thought about this. I guess the plan wasn't completely full proof...a lot could happen between those two days. Say, oh, the big band of super natural killers after me.

Patrick look like he was in deep thought about this too, his eyes squinted at the center of the table, his thumb and pointer finger cupping around his mouth. Eventually he put in his thoughts after a few moments of silence. "Well, basically we have to prevent Jake, Courtney, Melinda, or Mr. and Mrs Amber, ESPECIALLY Mrs. Amber, from getting to Elsie. If they find any way of getting that potion down her throat, hell maybe even a new and improved one, its all over. I've see this happen to many times before. To many times has Elsie almost gotten the chance to be herself, to remember, to be with Jack. And to many times has that bitch of a lady stopped her for her own selfish reasons. It ends NOW."

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