Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

You know those situations where its either flight, fight, or freeze? Where you only have fractions of a second to decide what to do? Well I was in one of those situations right now.

I was in flight. My heart pounded hard in my chest, and my breaths came fast and uneven. My feet pounded the forest ground below me and my ears rang with the sound of wind and shouting. My eyes darted everywhere, looking for a way out. Where to go? Was there any where to go?

I darted giant rocks, low branches, and other forest obstacles. I almost tripped a couple of times, but I always caught myself. I glanced over to my right, checking on Patrick. He wore the same worried expression as me as we both looked for a place to go. I didn't know how far I was supposed to run, or how fast, I just knew that I had to keep going. I didn't even know if we were being followed or not, but it didn't matter.

My legs began to hurt, and they screamed for me to stop. To freeze. But I knew I couldn't. My heart also told me to fight. But that wouldn't be to smart would it? Just run. Just run...

Soon I felt like I was part of the wind that flew through the trees and loose grass and leaves. I felt part of the forest, like my heart belonged here. The run, the adrenaline, the blurry images that whizzed passed me. It all has happened before. And I was finally seeing it through my eyes.

Eventually we slowed down our paced and finally stopped. I sank to my knees and drew huge gasps. I was just so tired and so overwhelmed, I just wanted to lay down, I just wanted to...


"What?!" I gasped as Patrick jerked me awake. God, did I really just almost fall asleep?

"Elsie, please, you can't fall asleep! Not now. They might not be on our tracks now, but they will be soon. We have to keep moving and find somewhere to go before nightfall."

I got back up on my feet and looked around myself. The sun was starting to set and all there was was trees and rocks, stretched for god knows how long.

"Hmm, see, that'd be a good idea if I actually KNEW WHERE WE ARE!"

"Ok, ok, relax! I know we aren't that far away from civilization. I've been this way before. Remember, I use to be on their side?"

"No, you never really were. As far as I remember, you were always there for me. I just think you were confused."

He was silent for a moment, but then gave a half heartily laugh, along with a grin that didn't meet his eyes. "Ya, but that's only because you don't remember me. I mean before Elsie. When I called you Willa."

Oh. So more stuff I wouldn't know. I wanted him to tell me about my past. About everything I need to know about who I am. How I've met Jack before, how I got caught up in this mess, how I can become the guardian wolf again.

"Tell me..."

He looked at me with a confused expression. "Tell you what?"

"Tell me...tell me about me. I want to know our past. My past. Me and Jack's past..."

Suddenly I felt a pain in the pit of my stomach. I bit my lip and held back a tear. Was it really only this morning I left Jack? It felt like and eternity. I wanted him here with me. I wanted him to hold me, kiss me, tell me everything was going to be okay. But most important I wanted to tell him everything that has happened...

He would know what to do. He always knows what to do.

Patrick sighed at me and looked off into the sunset, squinting his eyes. I could tell he was proccesing in his head on what to tell me. "Why don't I tell you everything I can once we get settled?"

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