Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

You know those situations, where you just don't know if it can get any worse? And then right when you think it can't, it does? I was in that situation right now.

Something terrible has happened, and it has Jack all up in confusion and tears. I wanted to soothe him, tell him everything was all right. But the truth? I had know idea what was to come. And I had a feeling whatever happened was  just going to add to my list of problems.

Me and Patrick waited impatiently on either side of Jack, waiting for him to tell us what happened. I tried not to push it, but I knew we didn't have much time. Those people I call my enemies? Ya, they basically could be on our tracks at any moment...

"Jack, please tell me..." I asked him again, kindly. He wouldn't look me in the eye, so he stared off into the distance as he told us his story.

"Ok know how you left, right? With your mother?"

I nodded at him. "Ya..didn't turn out so well." He raised an eyebrow at me. "I'll tell you after...just go on."

"Well, I really had a bad feeling about you going off with her. I don't trust her. So, a couple hours later I decided to go make sure you were okay."

He paused himself and started fumbling with a piece of grass. He pursed his lips then swallowed back tears. I could see this was really upsetting him, so I leaned into him and stroked his arm in comfort.

"Shh..."I cooed. "It's okay. What happened after you went looking for me."

"...I bumped into Courtney in the woods. She seemed all skittish and uneasy, completely not like herself. So I asked her what was wrong. And...and...."


"She told me..." He looked me right in the eye now, his eyes filled with the memory. "...that you were dead."

I know this sounds weird, but I wasn't surprised at all to hear this. After seeing Courtney's true side, this sounded like something she would do. I just felt a pang in my chest for what Jack must have went through. If someone told me Jack had died...I didn't even want to think about it.

"So then what?" Patrick asked Jack.

"Um...well, I didn't believe her at first. She told me to go look for myself, that you'd be gone. So I ran to your house as fast as I could as a wolf. I called for you at your didn't come. I then looked through one of you windows on the ground level in the front. And that's when...."

"Oh saw that?" Patrick sighed. He scratched his head in frustration and I squinted my eyes at him in confusion.

"Saw what?" I asked him.

" were on the kitchen floor. You didn't look like you were breathing and there was blood all on the floor..."

"That was mine." Patrick put in. Um....what?

"Patrick, what are you talking about? You weren't there...were you?"

He sighed again and continued. " know how I told you I defended you against mom?"

"YOUR mom."I corrected him.

"Ya...anyways, after I did that we had our own little...argument."

"Oh no, Patrick....did she hurt you?"

He shook his head at me. "Nah I'm ok now. So, Jack...she got to me before she "took care" of Elsie. Elsie was just unconscious."

Jack nodded as he tried to follow along with what we were saying. There was a big gust of wind then, nearly knocking as down. I shivered and Jack covered his arms around me. I pressed my forehead into his chest, only wishing we would survive all this.

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