Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

Dear Diary,

       I'm in this point in my life where I really have no idea what fact from false is. I thought I had everything figured out, and I was the one keeping things from everyone else. Turns out people know me more than myself, specifically my so called "family". They're all in on some big secret, and they've been keeping me out. For how long, I have no idea. I could see my mother and father keeping this from me, but Patrick? I wouldn't have seen that coming in a million years. Then again, he told me I was just plain clueless, so maybe it was just me who trusted him. I don't think he ever trusted me...Anyways, I need to talk to Jack about this, as soon as possible. This is too big a secret to keep from him, and I want us to be able to trust each other. Right now, if I can't trust Jack, I can't trust anyone. Now I have to go down and face my big fat liar family, and somehow manage to go to school. Really, school just seemed so stupid at this point. I have much bigger and better things to be doing in my life than going to school. Say, like, oh I don't know, finding out who I really am and finding out my family's secret??? Ugh, whatever. I'll write more lately.

                                                                                                         ~Elsie Amber

       I closed my journal and put it back in the dusty old book shelf. I didn't want to go down those stairs and face everyone, but I knew I had too. I would not speak to them if I didn't have too, and I'm pretty sure none of them want to speak to me. I finally got the guts up to grab my bag and head down to the kitchen.

       They were all there, doing their individual things, not paying attention to me. No good morning, or hello, or how are you. Nope. Just silence. My dad sat the table and read the newspaper as usual, Pat just packed his bag for school, and my mom was putting things away in the cabinets and fridge.

      I walked over to the table and sat in the chair opposite to my father. I didn't know what to say or do, so I just sat. The silence was getting uncomfortable and awkward, and if nothing else was going to happen I just might explode. It was so frustrating just to sit here and not do anything when I knew there was something wrong.

        Usually when stuff does go wrong, I sit back and let it happen. I don't know if I could this time. Maybe I won't fight this back today, but I will eventually. I just had to find out more and dig deeper into this.

       I had had enough of this, so I started to get up. But once I did, my mom came over and slammed a glass cup in front of me. It vibrated the table and sent my body going numb.

       "Sit." she hissed. I didn't want to, and I tried to object, but she forced her hand on my shoulder, making me sit. I didn't know what to do or say; because there was no one around whom I knew would stand up for this or at least defend me. I was alone in a house of enemies, and there was nothing I could do.

       She then poured the same blood she's always given me in the glass and waited for me to drink. I stared at the glass, refusing to even take it in my hands. I couldn't take it, not after knowing what it might be doing to me. She kept staring, and I kept refusing.

       "Elsie. DRINK IT."

       "Why? Why should I? It doesn't matter."

       She was fuming in rage. "Because I said so. NOW DO IT."

       I held my gaze with her a few minutes, then Patrick cut in.

       "Elsie." he said. I whipped my head back at him. "Please..."

       I sighed then lifted the glass up. This was not my plan, but I didn't want to rebel just yet. I had no choice, I had to drink it. But they better watch out. I was prepared to do anything now to figure this mystery out.

      Soon after I drove to school in silence with my brother. No words were needed between us. We haven't talked since our "discussion" or whatever you want to call it.

       Once I entered the school and Patrick wasn't around anymore, I went to go find Jack. I needed to talk to him. He was the only one I could talk to this about. I saw him coming at me, beaming with happiness. Even though I felt depressed, just seeing him made me smile and a bit happier. I ran to him with open arms and he came running back, now hugging me and swinging me around.

       Once he let me down, he smiled, but he could tell something was wrong. "Hey Els!...You ok?"

       "Ya, I'm, um, fine. I just have to talk to you about something later, if that's OK."

        "Ya sure! Anything for you."

       "Thank you" I whispered. I then went off to class and we both agreed we meet again to talk at lunch. But the time without him seemed to pass on for an eternity. The day dragged on, and I felt like everyone around me was in slow motion. I felt anxious, on edge. Jake Johnson kept trying to talk to me a few times, but i would just ignore him and shew him off.

       I kind of feel bad for him actually. I think he might have really liked me, but then of course Jack came along. He saw me in the hall one time with him and his face looked sad. Poor kid.

       Finally lunch came and I sprinted past everyone to the cafeteria. Jack was waiting at one of the tables, and I beckoned him to follow me away from the rest of the student body. We walked into the hallway where we originally talked with the rest of his pack. It was nearly always deserted, so it was a great place to talk for private conversations.

       "OK, Elsie. What's up?"

       "My family! That's what's up!"

       "Oh, um, ok. Did you tell them?..."

       "Ya I did...sort of." I shivered in the memory of trying to tell my mother, then confronting my brother. I did not ever want to relive that. It was so hard when you trusted someone so much, and they turn you right down.

       "Well? What does that mean?"

       I felt so upset right now; I didn't know what to do. So, I burst out with everything I knew.

       "I tried to tell my mom, but she wouldn't even listen! She never does, and she never will. She'll avoid everything that would lead to a truth she doesn't want to hear. Then I found a bottle of this stuff she dropped that's some sort of magic potion, and she puts it in the blood I drink! I have no idea what it does, but I think it's affecting my memory. Like, from a long time ago, not recent. So then I confronted my brother about me not liking blood, but he thought it was ridiculous! And then I told him about you being my mate and he totally flipped! Like he pinned me against a wall! I found out there's something they're hiding from me, and I might not be really part of the family, too...."

       Once I had let that all out, I was gasping for air, and Jack just stared at me with wide eyes. I was now on the brink of tears again, and he came over and hugged me. He tried to soothe me and whispered sweet nothings in my ear. I tried to hold it together, but I couldn't.

      He then let go and put his hands on my shoulder, looking me directly in the eye. "Listen, Elsie. I'm going to fix this, ok? You're going to be OK. We'regoing to be okay. I won't stand for this. Trust me; in the end it's going to be ok."

       "But Jack-"

       He cut me off, once again, but taking me into his arms and kissing me. It soft and sweet and it felt like it would last forever. I felt like everything was perfect, and maybe everything was going to be ok. I pretty much felt like anything could be possible in his arms.

       Once he let go I smiled, and I felt good. Then out of the corner of my eye, I saw Patrick at the end of the hallway, shaking his head. He was there one second, and in the next.... he was gone.

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