Chapter 16

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I slammed the door shut behind, my fury building up inside of me. I let out a sigh and turned to face  my mother. She turned around to face me to, already half way up the stairs with a smirk spread wide across her face, her eyes thrilled with her evil satisfaction. She thought she had already won this mystery battle I still had no idea what the point of was. But she was wrong. I was just starting to play.

"Where do you think you're going?" I asked.

"Oh, no where. Just, you know. Around." she replied a bit to lightly.

I squared my eyes at her."Mmmmhmmm...." . I don't know if she was mocking me, or if she seriously thought I still had no idea what was going on. Either way, I was sick of these games. Time to get some answers. Today.

"Yep...So I'll just be going..." She said as she started to turn around again.

Um, ya right.

"Oh, no you don't." I said as I ran up the stairs to catch her before she got any further. I stopped smack in front of her, eye to eye. "We need to TALK. NOW."

"And why would we need to do that?" she asked me innocently, giving me mocking puppy dog eyes.

"Ok, listen to me!I'm sick of this! I need to find so many things out and the source seems to keep coming from you! I don't care if it kills me, god you are going to talk to me now woman!"

I was now spazzing and practically pionting my finger right up her face. She stared right at me blanky, but that blank exspressiom quickly melted into an evil grin, and she lowered my finger down with her hand.

"Be careful what you wish for, sweat cheeks..."

"Excuse me?"

"Oh nothing...". Her eyes drifted around her and she put her hands behind her back, shuffling her feet and pursing her lips.

"OK, first of all...let's just start from the beginning. I've been trying to tell you this for a do realize I'm not a normal vampire, right?

"You don't like blood, your mated to a werewolf, you can't kill someone, yadda yadda yadda." She placed her hands on her hip and rolled her eyes like shes herd this all before.

I, on the other hand, was sort of shocked to hear it come from her. I mean, this whole time she knew?  How could she did she know?

"Um...well ya. Then why did you force me to drink blood?"

"I have my reasons."

"Ya, BAD ones. I saw you put something in my drink. What is in that silver vile?"

This question actually caught her off guard. "You...You saw that? How is that..." She put a hand to her head and looked slightly panicked.

"It doesn't matter how I saw it, I just did. No spill it! What are you doing to me?"

"Nothing you need to know! This was not suppose to get this never does."

"What do u mean it "never" does? Huh? Your making no sense and I demand an explanation!"

"Well, princess, your just gonna have to wait. I'm not in the mood..." She said smoothly while snaking her way into the kitchen. I felt like I was ready to explode. Even in confrontation this women won't listen to me! Time to take this a little further...

I slinked in behind her into our kitchen. She acted like nothing was wrong, but I could feel the tension building. Something was ready to explode inside of her, and I just had to keep jabbing her with words to let it out.

Furs & Fangs: A Complicated Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now