Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

       After me and Jack left the coffee shop, we headed up back near my house and took a dirt path up through the forest. It was around 4:00, the sun starting to go down, giving the sky an orange glow. It reflected off the leaves and made the forest feel bright and warm. There were leaves all on the floor of the forest, and we laughed as we kicked them around talked about ourselves. I was having a lot of fun, actually.

       "Where exactley is your house anyways?" I asked.

       Jack nodded up further into the forest. "A little bit further up. We keep our house hidden in case of needing to shift into wolves quickly. The forest is our protection to our secret."

       I nodded in understanding. The forest was his realm, his battlefield. His home. And I was the first vampire to be welcomed on to it. I never really gave it to much thought, to think of it like that. He acted like it was no big deal, so I did too.

       "How did you become a werewolf anyways? Like, were you bitten or something? And what about the others in your pack?"

       "Well, you see, I was lucky. I'm biologically a werewolf because both of my parents are. Devon's obviously my twin sister, so she is too. We've known since we were born that we were werewolves. But Nick wasn't as lucky."

       "What happened to him?"

        Jack sighed, not pleased with bringing up this subject. "Nick was originally a human, but he was bitten by a werewolf when he was 14. No one was there for him when he first tried to turn, and he was confused and scared. Eventually he taught himself how to control everything and he toughened himself up. My parents found him after we moved here when I was 15 and he became mates with Devon. Ever since then hes been the alpha of the pack, and everyone gives him there full respect."

       I felt bad for Nick now. I mean, how hard must it have been to go through that a year by yourself? No pack, no support, no help. If I had been in that situation, I don't know what I wouldv'e done.

       "What happened to Courtney? And that other kid in your pack?"

       "Well, I honestly don't know exactly. Their family moved here last year, so I'm guessing she was born a werewolf. Why? I didn't know you really cared about Courtney."

       I almost laughed at that. Ya, I didn't care about her.But she sure did care about me. "Let's just say she tried to have a quick chat with me in the hallway and it didn't go to well. As in she threatened the life of me and my family if I didn't back away from you. Whoops."

       He shook his head and sighed again. I could tell there was some sort of story behind all of this. "Courtney is....misunderstood, I guess you could say. She gets jealous very easily." he said.

       "Ya think! She kept telling me how you were hers and that I shouldn't be mates to you. How we shouldn't belong..."

       He stopped walking and and held me still then looked me in the eyes, and I stared back, wanting an explanation.

       "Listen to me Elsie.  When she first moved here, Courtney kept claiming that I was her mate and that we should belong to each other. Though she is in my pack, I never believed her and I have honestly never liked her. I feel nothing for her. The only person who I've felt like I've ever belonged to is you. No matter what any one else thinks."

       I gave him a small smile, knowing that I was his. That's how it should be, and that's how it always will be. Jack  and I belonged to each other, and no threats from a jealous and some what crazy Courtney were going to stop us.

       We kept walking after this, happy to be with each other. There was a log further up the path and I climbed across the top as he held my hand for support, even though I didn't really need it.

        "Can I tell you a secret?" Jack whispered.

        "Um, ok." I replied, still balancing on the log.

        "Don't laugh now, ok?"

       "Promise. Now, what is it?"

        "I like dancing. Especially with beautiful vampire girls." He then pulled me down unexpectedly and pulled me close. He placed one hand on my waist and the other in my right hand. I did the same. He tried to start dancing but I stopped.

        He looked at me funny. "Whats the matter?"

       "There's no music! What exactly are we dancing to?"

       "Elsie, who cares? Imagine the music, let it be whatever you want it to be. Just dance with me."

        And so we waltzed through the leaves, me not exactly sure what to do. Slowly though, in my head, I could hear violins. I could see the ballroom. I pretended I was in an elegant ballgown and Jack in a tux. Our bodies swayed to the pretend music, now louder and overwhelming my senses.

      He twirled me and I laughed. The touch from him made me feel alive, feel good to be me. I don't ever remeber being this happy before. I wanted to stay in this dream dance forever. It felt like I was free, like I didn't have a care in the world. And all to soon our imaginary songs in both our heads ended together.

       He gave me one last spin and my back ended up against a tree with him shortly behind, landing an inch away from my mouth. We both locked eyes and I melted right in to his. I remember on the first day I met him I tried to avoid this, but there was no avoiding it now. He leaned in slowly and kissed me.

       The kiss was soft, sweet, and passionate. My mind was racing at how wrong this was, but also how right it felt. He made me feel happy, and I belonged to him. There was no other way to describe it. I wanted him now, more then ever. And here he was.

       When he stopped and we both smiled. We knew what this meant. We weren't afraid. But we should have been. We didn't know it now, but more trouble would come then we ever would have saw coming.

Furs & Fangs: A Complicated Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now