Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Dear Diary,

       Let's just say that life has gotten ten times more complicated since I last wrote in you. I have reacently discovered I am mates to a werewolf. Yup. Little vamp girl is mates with wolf boy Jack. This is something in my life I really don't need right now, but I can't hide from it. It hit me hard, and now there's no going back. Might as well make the best of it while it lasts, cause sooner or later mommy dearest will know. And when she does, I'll be even more dead then I already am. I don't think I could even bring myself to to tell her myself! Like, I tried telling her how I felt different from most vampires and she flipped! I don't even remember her ever getting that mad at me. Honestly, I can't remember anything about my past lately. Like, obviously I know whats going on right now, but what about when I turned into this? Its all just a blur that I probably should remember, but I really don't want to. I'll have to keep an eye on that later, but I really don't have the time right now. Today's my second day of school and I'm just dying to see my other friends from the wolf pack. Most likely they already found out about me and Jack, and are ready to kill me. Great, just great. I know Nick is going to be pretty pissed, and so is that blonde chick Courtney. Devon may be tough and all too, but I can tell there's a kindness in her that might make her understand. I hope, because she's the alpha female AND Jack's sissy...oh boy. Well, off to school! Wish me luck and prey I come home without teeth or claw marks...

                                                                                               ~Elsie Amber

      I put down my journal and hid it behind my book of werewolves in my bookshelf. The shelf was really old and blew dust into my face as I placed the diary down. I coughed a bit and waved it away. I already know school is going to be interesting today, so I might as well just suck it up and get over it.  Yes, it was still hard to accept the fact that Jack was what he was, and I am who I am, but somehow I know we'll get through this...difference, we have. We had too. And we will.

       I grabbed my bag for school and headed down the marble staircase towards the kitchen. Mom, Dad, and Patrick were all packing their traveling bags for their little "Vacation". Not. They were all going for a trip up into the mountains to go hunting for wild animals and their blood, blah blah blah. Usually I would go for these little vacations, but I told them I wanted to sit this one out. I couldn't aviod the werewolves forever, and I'd rather confront them now then later.

       "You sure you don't want to come, Elsie?" my dad said.

       I shrugged and acted like it was no big deal. "Ya, I'm pretty sure dad. I'm not feeling the best right now, and its really important I be in school today. I-"

       "And why is that?" my mom questioned, now acknowledging my presence in the kitchen. She raised an eyebrow as she waited for my response.

       "As I was saying, I have this report I have to do for school, and I wanted to talk to my teacher about it. I have to meet up with some other kids today too, because we're all working on it." I felt bad lying to my mom, but there was no way I was going to ge into the truth right now. It just wasn't worth the drama.

        Patrick then looked at me funny, knowing I was lying. He knew I didn't really have a report, and that I didn't make any, um, human friends yesterday. When my parents backs were turned to finish packing, I mouthed him the words "I'll tell you later." He shook his head in frustration at me. I swear to god he acted just like a dad to me sometimes.

       Once they finished packing, they all waved to me as they headed out the door. My mom stayed back for a minute though, and she waved to Pat and Dad that she'd be there in a second.

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