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Miko's POV

It's strange to live in a world where monsters exist, isn't it? Isn't it terrifying to live with vampires, witches, and werewolves? It's terrifying. But not all monsters are bloodthirsty; others just want to live quietly, pursue their dreams and living their best life. We all just wanted to be happy. Not for me; my happiness was shattered when I had to change places and transfer to a new school; it would be difficult for me to make new friends.

And now I'm here, on a school bus full of noisy vampires and lonesome humans minding their own business. I have a friend in my old town, but I have to move for personal reasons. My mom divorced and got a job that pays well, but it is far away from my old home, so we had to move.

We finally arrived at the school, which is called... Sinister. A strange name, yet it fits. I got off the bus and walked to the school entrance; the school was huge, but also dark; it seemed like an ancient house, filled with vines and other things.

God damn it, where the heck is my classroom.


I was startled by the sudden appearance of this girl in front of me. Her hair is long and pale salmon pink, styled in a high ponytail parted in two at the top.

"Y-yeah," I answered. I suppose she's a.... vampire? She just appeared in front of me!

"What class are you in?" she asks. 

"Class 1-C" 

"Oh!" her eyes sparkle with joy. "We're in the same class," she said, smiling.

"R-really? That's great," I said. Well it is great.

"Come on, I know where our classroom is," she said as she walked, and I followed after her. "Well, as you can see, the school is huge, so it's common for other students to get lost on the first day of school," she chuckled.

"Yeah, since when were you here?" I inquired..

"Hmm, since junior high school; this school only has junior high and senior high," she chuckled.

"Must be nice," I said. "I just moved to this town a few days ago, and this was the only school around,"

"Oh, I see," she said. "Come to think of it, I haven't asked for your name," she chuckled as she looked at me.

"Ah, you're right," I said, smiling. "My name is Yae Miko, but you may call me Miko... or whatever you want," I said.

"Sangonomiya Kokomi," she introduced herself. "Just call me Kokomi," she said, laughing.

Well, that's a long... name.

We arrived at our classroom after a short walk for... Five minutes? The classroom was... A typical, modest classroom for 30 students. Kokomi walked to her seat, which is in the middle, while I moved to the back and corner and sat. I don't want to be involved with many people; I'm satisfied with a few friends, if I can make one.

A man entered the room. He's... short? In addition, he has dark indigo hair that covers his ears and indigo eyes with bold red eyeliner.

Is he our Professor? He looks so... small.

"Hello, class," he remarked as he set the books he was carrying on the table down. "Let me introduce myself again for the students who are new to our school, and perhaps explain a few school rules," he continued.

"My name is Scaramouche, and I'm your homeroom teacher," he said, smiling. "Senior High School is three years long, so you will be under my care for three years, and I hope you all behave," he continued.

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