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Miko's POV

7 years have already passed, 7 years of peacefulness. Well, I have successfully graduated from school. Ei helped me with studies and how to apply for work. I now successfully own a publishing house, and it's all thanks to her. Without her, I would not be here where I am.

My parents finally met Ei officially, and I swear it was like I experienced a war between the glares of my father and my girlfriend. But apparently, my father already gave in and welcomed Ei to the family, and he approved of my living with her, since it's much safer, they said.

We didn't stay at that gloomy castle of hers, we actually bought a house! Just for us, and maybe... for our future kids. Well, it has been my dream to have a family, but the thing is, Ei doesn't have a dick.

Ei knows very well that I want a child. It doesn't matter if the child is not from me. We can even adopt. That's the back-up plan if we didn't find a way to have a child that came from me.

And living with her is the best, although we have some problems with it. Ei keeps getting attacked, like it's way more crazy now, and it's like we're always being watched, and she is really pissed off. But I do manage to calm her down, in a.... naughty way.

She trained me in basic martial arts, and we often try to spar with each other once a week. She trained me for my safety if I'm not with her. She's such a worry wart, and that's what I love about her. She always makes sure I'm safe, protected, comfortable, happy, everything. She always assures me that if I'm in trouble, she will be there right away.

She was the ideal girlfriend, or should I say wife, in the future. 

"Honey, don't you have work?" She said as she lay down with me on the bed and laid her head down on my lap. I was reading

"Well, today is my day-off," I said. "But, what about you? Don't you have anything to do?"

"Nothing," she murmured, "Except when someone attacks me again," she sighed. "I really don't know if it's such a good idea for you to live with me when someone is always attacking me and can put you in danger,"

I chuckled. "How many times am I going to tell you, I'm fine, besides you personally trained me?", "I wouldn't waste my master's...teachings,"

She sat down on my lap and snatched away my book that I was reading. "Ei," I grumbled.

"You're clearly teasing me again, my love," she chuckled as she snuggled up to my neck and hugged me. "My father... is almost on his death bed,"

I was shocked to hear that. "Is he not recovering?" From what we know, we don't know the cause of her father's illness. It was so randomly that he became so weak, so fragile, and really aged, despite knowing a vampire's facial structures won't change even if they are a thousand years old.

"Our research had a hunch on what happened to him, and it was believed to be a newly found weakness of a vampire," she said. "As you may know, there are silly things that are a vampire's weakness, and they are such things as garlic, which is funny, and some godly things," she Vampires are the spawn of devils, after all. But this girlfriend of mine, I don't even know if she's a vampire by the way she acts; she acts like a puppy.

"And what is this newfound weakness?"


Silver? But....

"I know what you're thinking, back then, silver was not an issue, but now... it has became our weakness for unknown reason," she said. "They said some silver liquid was inside of my father's stomach, we don't even know how the heck did it got there, but we suspected someone... did it, within the castle, there is no way a witch, human, werewolf can go at the castle,"

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