Chapter Sixteen................The Show Starts

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"I just think it'd be kind of fun. Do a few songs for you." Pierre and I sat at the table as Josh went to grab coffee.

"It could be. I just have to make sure Josh is ok with it. He's a bit worried." I laughed softly as I watched my boyfriend.

"I have someone. And I've got a little girl. You have no worries." Pierre laughed as Josh came back.

"I think this would be fun. I have a few ideas written out that I haven't with. I think for an EP a few fast songs and a few slow ones would be best." I offered as I thanked Josh and kissed his cheek.

"I like that idea. I just want it to be something people are gonna listen too all the time." Pierre offered.

"Why not use a few songs she's already sung?" Josh offered.

"I like Happy and Burned. I think Allen will too. Add 3 more and she's good. We can get a few other tracks down so she's ahead when it comes time to write the full album. I had an idea I started on, I'm not sure what to call it. It's got a good sound and it's about standing up and being noticed. Not sitting back and taking anyone's shit." Pierre explained. I laughed at the last part and shook my head.

"I never take shit from anyone." I laughed as Josh shook his head.

"I think she needs something a little edgier." Josh offered.

"What about what I want?" I asked, glaring at both of them.

"It was just a thought." Josh put his hands up in defeat. Not wanting to fight.

"I will sing what I want. What I like. I don't need people telling me what to sing." I hissed. I got up and left.

I hated when people tried to control me. Not letting me be who I wanted to be. I wanted to write a song that expressed. I walked home. Not caring that I left Josh and Pierre alone. I needed to think. I needed to get the thoughts in my head down on paper. I needed to get everything down before I forgot.

I smiled when I walked into my apartment and Harley ran up to me. She was so happy I was home. I gave her love then headed to my music room to grab my guitar. I grabbed a pad and pen then set to work.

"They tell you a good girl is quiet. That you shouldn't ask why. Cause it makes it hard to fit in. You should be happy, excited even if they talk you. Cause the populars need someone to clap for them. It's so hard just waiting for a line that never moves. It's time to started making your own rules ." I read it over and over. Not liking it. I hated how it sounded. I kept reading it over and over. Trying to make it sound better. I stopped when someone knocked on my door. I looked at the clock.

4 hours. 4 hours passed and I had no idea. I sighed as I got up to get the door. I saw Pierre and gave him a dirty look.

"Hey, I wanted to say how sorry I am. I had no right to act that way. I wanna invite you and Josh to a label party. It's a 50's and 60's themed party. Everyone is dressing up." He handed me a card and smiled.

"I guess we can go." I sighed as I read it.

"Sweet. I really am sorry. I didn't want you think the worst of me. I have a killer song idea for you." He smiled as he turned and left.

I looked at the card again and sighed. 3 nights from now. That meant I had to go buy a dress and get Josh a suit or something. I wasn't going to let Josh know until the night before. I had to get shoes and a dress. I knew what that meant.

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