Chapter Ten......Did this really happen?

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I sat in the parking lot crying. Why did everything have to go wrong? Why couldn't one night go right? I knew what would happen. Amanda would cry and get her way. Make Josh think it was all my fault. I hated my life. I took my hair down and shook it out when I saw someone walking up.

"Are you ok?" Josh? I was shocked.

"I guess." I shrugged.

"I know it was Amanda. She hates the idea of me not wanting her." He said as he took out a smoke.

"Well she's a cunt." I spat.

"That she was. Tonight was uncalled for and I am sorry. I didn't ask her to come. She invited herself. I was looking forward to seeing you. I wanted to talk to you." He looked at me with his amazing blue eyes and I felt my heart skip a beat.

"Talk about what?" I asked, trying not to sound hopeful.

"Us." I felt my heart skip a beat again.

"Is there an us?" I wanted to play it as cool as I could.

"I kind of hoped so. I mean I want to be with you. Not Amanda. I want you." He looked at me and I melted.

"I broke up with Parker because I want you. I'm sick of this cat and mouse shit." I laughed as it started to rain.

"Really? The rain has to start now?" He laughed as he leaned over and kissed me softly.

My mind raced as we sat in the rain, Josh kissing me sent sparks racing through my body. I didn't care that it was raining or that we should have gone back in. When he pulled away he had a smile on his face.

"So um we should go inside?" I laughed as I stood up.

"Yea. Probably. You're all wet." He smirked.

"You are a dirty man Joshua Ramsay." I laughed as we walked inside.

As we walked to the table Katrina, Megan and Danica took notice of my smile and Josh holding my hand.

"Yes! Finally!" Danica shouted making everyone jump.

"We're back." Josh smiled as we sat down.

"Is it raining out?" Ian asked looking at us.

"Nope. We walked through a car wash." I joked, I looked at my grandfather and uncles, giving them a smile.

"So what's the plan tonight?" Mickey asked, smiling.

"I think we need to go out. Maybe an open mic night?" Mike Ayley smirked at me.

"Again really?" I laughed as Josh smiled from his seat.

"Come on! We know you have something new." Katrina smiled.

"Ok ok. As long as my family helps me." I smiled.

"You know we will." My uncle Mike smiled.

"Awesome." I smiled as I saw a salad being placed in front of me.

"We thought you might be hungry." Megan smirked.

After a quick stop to get some dry clothing, we headed to the bar I use to work at. I laughed as Kenny hugged me and led me to the table the guys normally sat at.

"OK you know what you're gonna sing?" Mike asked me as everyone sat down.

"Yep. My uncles and grandfather are gonna help. I think Josh is gonna like it." I said softly as Josh took a seat.

"Awesome. We brought gear for you so it's all set up." He smirked as I took my seat next to Josh.

We talked and joked a bit, hearing stories from my family about their tours and the things they did while doing the show. I shook my head, I had heard so many of the stories and it was always fun to hear them again. I hear Kenny on the mic and smiled.

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