Chapter Five.....Drinking makes you stupid

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------------------------------> Adam!

"So what's going on with you and this Josh guy?" I heard my grandfather's voice ask once the door was shut.

"We're just friends. He's helping with demos. He helps me when I play at the bar. Nothing more. He has a girlfriend." I shrugged as I sat on the couch next to him.

"That boy has it bad. He adores you. There's no hiding it." He laughed as I shook my head.

"He's been with his girlfriend for years. I'm not even a thought in his mind." I laughed, feeling uneasy.

"Emery, you have been oblivious to boys ever since you were 14. You need to open your eyes." He smiled, he always tried to look out for me.

"Thanks grandpa. I'm gonna head to bed. Big day tomorrow." I lied as I went to my room. I took Harley with me and sighed as she laid at the foot of my bed.

The next morning I was woken by Harley wanting to go out. I threw on my jeans and a jacket, the took my dog out. I was still thinking about what my grandfather had said about Josh being into me. It was odd seeing how he had a girlfriend. I put the thought out of my mind as I walked. I wasn't paying attention and walked into someone. I felt horrible for being klutzy.

"I'm sorry!" I hissed as I looked at the person. He had to be around 6'3, blond hair and blue eyes. He was a model type.

"It's perfectly fine. Anyone as beautiful as you can run into me anytime." He smirked, I felt the heat rise to my cheeks.

"Um I should head home. I have to get to work....." I laughed as I went to walk away.

"Oh don't go! Maybe we can go out?" He smiled at me and I was taken by surprise.

"Um sure." I laughed as he handed me his phone. I put my number in and left. I wasn't sure why I had done that, but maybe it was for the best. I mean with the fact Josh had a girlfriend, my dating someone might make him stop fawning over me.

Once back at my apartment, I got ready to go to the studio. I woke up my grandfather and let him know I was getting ready to go. He followed in suit and made sure he had everything before we left.

I walked into Umbrella Studios and smiled when I saw Josh. He looked so happy to see me. His face lit up which made me think my grandfather was right. I hated the fact I had to break his heart. After we sat around and talked shit for a while, we got down to work. My grandfather hadn't heard anything I had been working on so Josh had the idea for me to play something.

"What's wrong with me? I get lonely in a crowd. Everyone is smiling, but I make myself left out. I got a imaginary shield around me, but nobody's ever gotten through. I keep thinking that they're gonna break me free, but they never do. When somebody's knocking, when somebody wants me. When somebody's trying to love me completely I get scared, don't know how it works. Will somebody help me or will I get burned? Don't wanna get burned. There's a thickness in the air. Weighing heavy on my heart. Why can't I just fit in? Why can't I be what everyone else is?" I cried as I sang the words. It was something not ever Josh had heard yet. It was something I had been working on for a while.

"Emmy that was remarkable." Grandpa Peter smiled as he hugged me.

"I just wrote what I felt." I shrugged as I wiped my face.

"You should let me give a copy of that to Chad. He'd love it!" Josh's eyes were dancing with excitement.

"Not yet. It's not done. I have some changes I wanna make." I laughed softly.

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