Chapter One..............So it Starts

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 The photo on the side is emery! ------------>

"I'm not going to college. Deal with it mom." I hissed as I walked through the house I l shared with my mother and father.
"You need to go to school. You have to think of what you want out of life!" My mother, Nicole Tork hissed at me.
"I want music! I want to be myself! I am not going to give up who I am!" I shouted as I made a dash for my room.
"Emery Rain get back down here!!" My father, Ivan Tork bellowed at me.
"Why so I can be pissed off and miserable like you and mom?!" I screamed as I reached my door.

I slammed my door and blasted some music. I started to pack as my grandfather's voice filled my room. Not a lot of people knew about my grandfather. It's easier that way. I threw clothing and other things into bags and tossed them out my bedroom window. I grabbed my guitar and gently dropped it onto the bags below. I had to get out. I grabbed all the money I had plus my passport and made sure no one was watching my door. I tiptoed down the hall to my parents' bedroom and grabbed the money they kept for emergencies. I grabbed my car keys, back pack and purse then walked down the stairs. I ignored my father's yelling as I walked out. I ran to my beat up Chevy Tahoe and loaded it up. I heard my mother crying as I pulled away. I didn't care. I needed to get out.

I planned on making one stop. I had to let my grandfather know what had happened. Once I did, he told me to be safe and call him if I needed anything. I gave him a hug and promised to call once I knew where I would end up.

That was 7 months ago. I made it into Canada and was elated. I was free from my family. I had the chance to live how I wanted. I had gotten a small little 2 bedroom apartment and a nice little job in a bar that allowed me to preform once in a while. I loved it. I wasn't told what to do or how to live.

I was at work one night and my boss walked up and told me I could play tonight. I ran to my car and grabbed my guitar case. I hide it behind the bar as I went back to work until Jackson took over. I smiled as I served drinks and made sure everyone got what they wanted.

"Emery! Get ready!" Kenny called to me as I got to a table.
"I am so sorry, but Jackson is gonna help you." I smiled at a large group in one of our booths.

I took off my apron and got ready. I grabbed a bottle of water and grabbed my baby. I took a few deep breaths while Kenny gave me an intro.

"So tonight is a great night for all of you. One of our own will be singing. She is a great gem that came to us from the states a few months back. So give it for Emery!" I felt a blush creep up as Kenny spoke.

I took the stage and put my guitar on my knee as I sat on the stool. I knew what I was going to start with. Something my grandfather had taught me. I cleared my throat and got ready. I began to play the chords and let my voice take over.


There's a certain something in the way
You looked at me and said you'd stay
That let me know that I was out of line

But I didn't know what else to do
And like a fool I tested you
By demanding things of you which weren't mine

And now I feel like such a fool
For making you crawl back to me
But you did it with such love
That you're standing far above
Me and all I did to you
I'm sorry now, what can I do?

As a group of people sat at in a booth, one of the men at the table watched closely as the girl on stage sang. He was enjoying the song and the way she played guitar.

I know that never in the world
Could I have found me such a boy
Who's there to pick me up before I fall
And if in the end we should go
Both our separate ways I know
The lessons I've learned here is worth it all

And now I feel like such a fool
For making you crawl back to me
But you did it with such love
That you're standing far above
Me and all I did to you
I'm sorry now, what can I do?

I know that never in the world
Could I have found me such a girl
Who's there to pick me up before I fall

And if in the end we should go
Both our separate ways
I know the lessons I've learned here is worth it all

Emery's POV:

As I finished the song I got a round of applause that made me smile. I had always loved that song.

"Thank you all. That was Nine Times Blue, written by Micheal Nesmith. I have always loved that song." I laughed as I spoke to the crowd.

I sang 4 more songs before I went back to work. I was very pleased with how I did, sure I sang a few songs that were older then most of the people in the bar, but I didn't care. I was getting ready to go back on the clock when a man walked up to me.

"Hi, you were amazing." He smiled at me, his hair was black with blue and he stood in front of me dressed in skinny jeans, a white button down shirt with a black leather jacket over it. He had the most amazing blue eyes, I looked away as I got ready.
"Thank you, it's one of the few times I sing in public." I gave a laugh as Kenny walked up.
"You rocked it, but try some newer stuff." He poked at me as he walked off.
"I'm Josh Ramsay and I would love to work with you." The tall man in front of me caught me off guard.
"Um thanks, but I won't sleep with you just because you say you liked my singing or say you can help me." I walked off to get drink orders, leaving Josh wondering what just happened.
"Hey Josh, don't think anything of that. Em is a bit skeptic. She's from the states. People try to use girls like her all the time." I heard Kenny tell him.
"Kenny, if I want to get signed I'll do it on my own. I don't need someone who claims they can help me." I looked Josh up and down then shook my head.
"I'm not some shmuck who's talking out his ass. I have a band." He called as he followed me around the bar.
"I need to work. Stop following me." I snapped as I hit his table.
"Josh stop bugging the girl." A guy with a mo-hawk laughed, I saw his girlfriend and laughed.
"Megan? Why didn't you tell me you were here?" I handed her a cranberry vodka and shook my head.
"I wanted to bring my boyfriend and his friends to hear you." She looked a little sheepish as I looked at the 4 men.
"You should have told me." I hated surprises.
"You were great. You have an amazing voice." A guy with curly hair said.
"Thanks, I need to get back to work." I walked off and stood at the bar in shock that Megan would set me up in such a way.

At the end of the night I was counting my tips when someone walked up to me, I only knew because I heard footsteps. I didn't bother to turn around as I kept counting.

"I am so sorry Emmy! I really am. I didn't think you'd get upset." I heard Megan say as I counted.
"I wish you had asked me about it. It was kind of strange having some guy walk up to me say he wants to work with me." I turned to look at her and sighed.
"You have talent! You should work with people who can help you get where you want to go." She offered, she looked so excited at the thought of me accepting help.
"I have think on it. And now I need to get home. Ken wants to lock up." I sighed as I got up.
"You should come see the guys practice. You'd like them." She smiled as I grabbed my things and walked out.

Megan walked to me to my car and since she was near me it made things easier. I told her I would call her in a few days when I got some free time. I made the drive to my little place and sighed as walked into my sad, empty apartment. I hated being alone. I put my cash on my counter and sighed. I went to bed trying to figure out what to do.

The next morning I woke up with one thought on my mind. I needed a companion. I went down to a local animal rescue to find a dog.

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