Mommy long legs x distorted reader

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request by HiromyOC

you run to the factory with your boyfriend behind you so lets put it like this my boyfriend always abused me for not being who he wanted me to be(in the oneshot)so now am escaping go to a empty room and you stay there for a awhile until you hear some banging"OPEN THE DOOR YOU B*TCH"my boyfriend screams"YOU WILL OPEN THE F*CKING DOOR Y/N"my boyfriend screams again"please dont get here please dont get here"I whisper then I felt something grab me and hug me"dont worry ill make sure the one that is hurting you will go away"she said,she open the door and there was my boyfriend screaming at me then he notice the pink spider lady I close my eyes the next thing I hear is screams and bones braking...when I open my eyes I see my boyfriends corpse laying on the ground then the pink spider woman appears"now you are safe"she says...I started laughing I didnt knew why but I was happy that my boyfriend is now dead and am free from him"can I stay with you?"you ask to mommy long legs"sure dear"she said and you started living with her....

(hey xStaros just finished this chapter as well im going to do another requested chapter so you will see I guess one more chapter that being said hiro hope you enjoyed and ill see you guys in the other end of the galaxy!)

Mommy long legs x reader oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now