Mommy long legs x Russian reader

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requested by Shi_Chara

(sorry if the translation is bad I dont speak russian)

"Davay, papa, poydem v playtime co.!"(come on dad lets go to playtime co.!)your son said tugging your shirt and pointing at the big factory"khorosho, khorosho"(alright, alright)you said as you took your son to the playtime co. factory, it was big very big you tell your son to behave and he rans off playing with other kids, before coming to the U.S. you taught your son english, so he shoudnt have any problem making friends, you notice one of the employes looking at you, you gave them a cold-hearted glare to which they stop looking at and run away suddently you hear an announcement"welcome parents to playtime co. were here we strike to create perfect toys for your children, we have decided to let all our toys play with the children, we hope you dont mind, now what time is it?"the speaker said"PLAYTIME!"all the children shout, you smile a bit, in the corner of your eye you see the toys looking at you, you thought they were looking at something else so you ignore them they creep at you closer to see who you are thats when your son comes in"otets!"(father!)said your son"A, privet, detka, tebe bylo veselo?"(Ah, hello kiddo, you had fun?)you said to your son, your son nods you notice they have a huggy toy in his hand, you are happy but dont show it you in fact have a serious face with your eyes half closed, which made a lot of people fear you, you snap out of your thoughts and you spot Stella Greyber, you know your son is a big fan of her"ey, detka, smotri! eto Stella Greyber!"(hey kiddo look! its Stella Greyber)you said to your son, your son turns around and lets out a squeal running to Stella, you see the toys looking at you amazed, but theres one in perticular that caught your attention, mommy long legs, she looks at you with heart shaped pupils, the other toys take notice of this and push her towards you, you look at her emotionless"h-hi I am mommy long legs"long legs said making words with her arms"hi mommy long legs am Y/N"you said, you surprised mommy, you look at mommy and she looks timid mostly emberrased while the other toys laugh you glare at them and they stop"no need to feel that way you didnt knew"you said grabbing her arm"t-thanks"she said"h-hey theres a singing compatition if you wanna join"mommy said"hmm sound fun I guess"you said"you can sign up there"mommy said"thanks"you said


"hello everybody as you all know there is a singing compatition and everybody has there asigned toy am going to tell the names of the compatitors, Herla Rodrigues, Marcus Perez, Maya Jones And finally Y/N L/N, compatitors come to the stage now"your son was very excited for you to sing that he convince himself that his father was going to win"so what song?"you asked"since your russian how about a romantic one?"mommy said"hmm seems easy"you said"oh really?"she said"yep"you said, everybody has gone and only you were left"lets do this"you said"good luck"she said to you

(I tried :/ )

after the song was finished everybody looked at you then you hear many claps and cheering from everybody a bit, to you it feels strange to smile but for mommy its heaven


all the kids were surrounding you asking you questions"come one kiddos one question at a time"you said you son ran up to you speaking in english"Father that was a great performence!"your kid said, every kid were very surprised to see that he was your son, many girls were giving your son attention making the other boys jelous, you smirk a bit you then see mommy long legs comming your way she signals you to come with her which you nod to"kiddo be right back"you said to your son, your son nods and ou go over to mommy long legs"sup"you said"that was beautiful"she said"yeah...originaly I sang that song to my wife before she...."you didnt want to say it"died?..."Mommy said"yeah"you said"you know I said that I will never sing that song again until I meet someone else to sing that song to"you said to mommy"really?"she said"yea"you said"then who was the song for?"mommy said"you"you said"wha-?"you cut her off with a kiss"dont you dare say anything about this"you said mommy just sitted on your lap cuddling with you"I wont"she said as she kisses your forehead...

(hope you enjoyed also sorry for the holdup I got sick but am feeling better now, anyways see ya on the other end of the galaxy!)

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