Mommy long legs x FEM!employee reader x ?????

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requested by dougcake1 

theres a plot twist in this story try guessing it ;)

mommy long legs when it comes to employees she is one to say bad things about them but one perticular employee caught her attention....her names was Y/N(your name) and she does everything she needs to do when shes done you can usually find her reading a book or interacting with kids but thats not the only thing mommy likes about Y/N she likes the way she is kind to others the way she is kind to the other toys....the way she is kind to her.....yet the other employees seem to hate her just because she is lesbian......the other toys dont dislike her or hate her but the same reason goes just because she is lesbian.....mommy just about enough of this nonsense and decided to talk to her.....mommy found Y/N crying and getting yelled at one of the employees of the factory"you should die LGTBQ is just, a, PHASE"said the employee mommy got mad she went and grabbed the employee"and who said its just a phase"said mommy long legs the employee seemed terrified the employee knew just how dangerous mommy long legs is the employee pleaded and begged for forgiveness eventually mommy let him off with a warning and the employee scram off mommy turn her attention to Y/N who had red eyes from the crying"oh dont worry my darling everything will be fine"said mommy long legs"y-your not mad t-that am part of the L-LGTBQ?"asked Y/N"no of course not why would I darling?"mommy said of course she herself is part of it just no one knew"i-its nice that you dont hate me"Y/N said"oh dear you should get back to work before Elliot comes back and shouts at you again"mommy said"yeah I should..."Y/N said


you were hanging out with mommy long legs until you saw Elliot look at you angrily"Y/N how dare you skip work!"said elliot"s-skip work?!"you asked shocked"w-what do you mean?"you asked"you have been late to work for the last few days you forget to do your task AND YOU HAVE BEEN BREAKING THE RULES!!!"he screamed at you mommy was going to say something back but she got electrecuted by elliot"mommy!"you said as you went to her"you are such a baby you f*cking lesbian girl"he said"no sir am not lesbian I have you corrected am bisexual"you said in a stern voice"oh even worst you know maybe I should have used you for a spare"said elliot"w-what..?"you said"maybe I should have let you get killed then non of this wouldve have happend!"you were now mad real mad you were about to lunge at him until a green hand grabbed him"what the-"you said"NOO LET ME OFF YOU STUPID BLIND MONSTER!!!"elliot said"blind?"you asked"h-how did h-he escaped?!"mommy said the monster ate him after he was finished he looked at you"n-no dont eat h-her"mommy said as she protected you"relax mommy I wont besides I was wondering if you really like her and I really like her we could be all together"the green monster said"....w-well.."mommy said red"plus shes bisexual"the green monster said"w-well.....Y/N?"mommy said"would you like to have a.....three way?(I think its called like that)"asked mommy"I-well I dont know him tho"you said"dont worry my name is green you can get to know me either way besides I know much about you already~"green said"alright then its a three way then!"you said as you hug your new partners.....

(hope you enjoyed that doug and ill see ya in the other end of the galaxy!)

EDIT: I know this isnt what you asked for but I couldnt contain my exitment for doing on another oneshot sorry doug

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