Chapter 1

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Okay, here's the rewrite version of Stargirl. Like I said in the old version, the first three chapters will be the same, but after that, it will be different. The old story will be taken down when I post this one up.

Christmas Eve, 2000.

"Are you sure you have to go? It's Christmas Eve." Barbara Whitmore asked her husband as they stood near the front door of their home in Blue Valley.

"I wish I could, but the entire ISA has reassembled. You know I wouldn't come out of retirement if I had any other choice. If the others are willing to put the past behind us for this, then you know it has to be bad." Sylvester Pemberton said and Barbara sighed.

"I always knew one day you'd pick the staff up again." Barbara said to him.

"Except now, I have something even more important to fight for then I did before. You and Courtney." Sylvester said as he looked over to where their 4 year old daughter was currently playing with some of her dolls.

"You know she wants to be a superhero like you right? Your stories inspired her." Barbara said.

"And when I get back and when she's old enough, I'll teach her to use the staff. But until then, she just needs to focus on being Courtney Whitmore." Sylvester said.

"I agree. But it would be nice if we didn't have to hide her or our marriage. I mean, not even Pat knows." Barbara said.

"I know and I want to tell him, but honestly, it's safer if no one knows. My sister, my parents, they all died because my enemies found out about them. The only way to keep you and Courtney safe is if no one else, not even Pat knows." Sylvester said and Barbara sighed.

"Fine, but Sylvester, once you get back, no more secrets." Barbara said

"I know." Sylvester said as he reached to grab his staff, only to stop when he heard footsteps run up to him.

"Daddy." Courtney said as she rushed up to her father.

"Hey my little stargirl." Sylvester said, since that had been the nickname he'd given her after telling her the truth about who he was and Courtney loved it.

"You weren't leaving without saying goodbye to me were you?" Courtney asked and Sylvester smiled.

"Of course not. And I promise I'll be home in time for Christmas tomorrow." Sylvester said as he pulled his daughter into his arms and lifted her up.

"I love you daddy." Courtney said as she wrapped her arms around his neck.

"I love you too." Sylvester said before kissing her cheek and setting her down.

"I'd tell you to be careful if I thought you'd listen." Barbara said and Sylvester smiled.

"If I'm not back by tomorrow night, the staff will be and you'll know." Sylvester said.

"Be safe." Barbara said as she kissed her husband.

"Always." Sylvester said with a smile as he held out his hand and the Cosmic staff flew into it, once again amazing Courtney, who looked like she wanted to ask him again how it worked but she knew he didn't have time for that right now.

"Go save the world daddy." Courtney said and Sylvester smiled.

"I will." he said before letting the staff fly him away.

"So cool." Courtney said as she watched her father fly away in awe, not knowing that would be the last time she ever saw him alive.

North California, outlands. Later on that night.

Pat Dugan couldn't believe what he'd just seen happen. The entire JSA just got wiped out by their worst enemies, the Injustice Society of America. Wildcat, Green Lantern, Flash, Spectre, Dr. Midnite, Hawkman, Hawkgirl, Johnny Thunder, Dr. Fate, hell, he was lucky that he'd managed to pull his boss and best friend Starman from the wreckage after the ISA's leader Icicle managed to get a lucky shot in on him. However, they'd had to leave the cosmic staff, which Starman had dropped in their escape behind, which did concern Pat about what would happen if the ISA recovered it.

"Pat." Sylvester said after Pat dragged him from the crash site of their flying car that had been damaged by Solomon Grundy.

"Starman, we've got to get you to a hospital." Pat said as he saw the ice shard in his friend's gut.

"Pat, it's too late for that. My staff." Sylvester said as he looked around for it.

"It's gone. I couldn't get it before we had to get out of there." Pat said, but to his surprise, Sylvester looked relieved.

"It's okay. It wasn't going to stay with me for long anyways." Sylvester said.

"What do you mean?" Pat asked.

"I told it that if this ever happened to forget me and to go protect my family." Sylvester said, shocking Pat.

"Your family?" Pat asked.

"Yeah, I've been keeping a big secret from you Pat. And it wasn't because I didn't trust you. I have a wife and a daughter. I didn't tell you because I needed to be sure that no one knew about them for their safety." Sylvester said.

"I get it. I'm not happy about it, but I get it. Where are they?" Pat asked.

"I can't tell you. Just in case we're being listened to. The staff is with my daughter now. Find her and teach her to carry on my legacy. It's what she always wanted. My only regret is that I can't teach her myself." Sylvester said as he gasped again and coughed.

"You should save your strength." Pat said.

"Pat, you were always a good friend and loyal sidekick and I'm sorry I didn't always treat you like it. Promise me something." Sylvester said.

"Name it." Pat said.

"Promise me you'll live your life. You've spent your life taking care of me and while I do hope you'll find my family, I want you to live your life, not go chasing the ISA." Sylvester said.

"I promise. I promise I will find your family and I will keep them safe for you." Pat said, still trying to wrap his head around that idea.

"I'm sorry I never told you about them. My wife always did want to meet you. And hopefully someday she will. But at least I know that the JSA will endure." Sylvester said.

"Yeah, I'll do my best." Pat said.

"No, not because of you. Because of my daughter." Sylvester said with a smile and despite the insult, Pat smiled too.

"At least even when you're dying, your sense of humor is intact." Pat said and Sylvester smiled.

"You are my best friend Pat. No matter how I may have treated you, never forget that." Sylvester said, right before finally allowing himself to die as his best friend cried over his body.

I know this is different, but honestly, I wanted to give Stargirl a completely new background. I hope you guys liked it.

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