Chapter 16

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At the same time as the men were talking about the JSA, Barbara and Wendi were over with Kendra, gushing over her daughter.

"Oh, Kendra, she's so beautiful." Barbara said as she looked down at Alda in her mother's arms, who had her mother's skin tone, but her father's eyes.

"Thank you. I just hope to all the gods that she doesn't end up going down the same path as the rest of my family appears to." Kendra said.

"Trust me, I felt the same way the day the Cosmic staff chose Courtney. They're so young, it's hard to believe that they've actually willingly picked up the mantles of adults." Barbara said.

"They all chose this life Barb and even though we don't necessarily like it, we can't stop them." Wendi said, though she did agree with Barb.

"How's Jenni fitting in at your house?" Kendra asked Wendi, who smiled.

"So far so good. She and Rick get along and I have to admit, it is nice to have a daughter figure around, since even though I know that Jenni isn't my daughter and she just moved in with us, I have to admit, I already have begun to see her as a daughter and I think that Rick is seeing her as a sister. I just hope that he won't use the hourglass to threaten any boyfriends she might have." Wendi said with a chuckle.

"Considering he can only use it for one hour a day, I doubt he'd waste it on that." Barbara said.

"You never know." Wendi said.

"Still, she seems to be adjusting pretty well." Kendra said.

"So far. I'm just glad that Pat and Rex have already started teaching her how to use her ring, since otherwise she could end up burning the house down. Did Courtney ever have any issues with the staff?" Wendi asked Barb.

"No, but that's because we taught her early on that the staff wasn't a toy. She only uses it in training." Barbara said.

"Yeah, do you really think that the Pit Stop will be an ideal base for the JSA now that they're adding so many members to it?" Kendra asked.

"I don't know. But it's not like we can have them move the old base out here. There's no place here in Blue Valley that could accommodate it." Barbara said and both Kendra and Wendi nodded in agreement.

"So, is Hector ready for his first day at Blue Valley High tomorrow?" Barb asked Kendra, who nodded.

"Yeah, I'm just glad that Carter's new job as a professor at the local college allows him to make enough for me to stay home with Alda." Kendra said.

"What subject does he teach again?" Wendi asked.

"History. After all, who better to teach it than someone who's lived it." Kendra said with a chuckle.

"Yeah, I've got a lot of questions about that. All the things historians got right and wrong." Barbara said.

"Maybe some other time. But anyways, think either of you might have more kids?" Kendra asked.

"No. Even if I wanted to, Rex can't have kids anymore. Just another side effect from his injuries. Besides, between him, Rick and now Jenni, my hands are full." Kendra said.

"What about you Barb?" Kendra asked Barbara.

"I don't know. I mean, I admit we're kind of running out of room now that Yolanda's moved in with us, but at the same time, I have to admit, I wouldn't mind having a kid with Pat. Though the only hesitation I'd have is about having to get through the pregnancy alone if something happened to him, since Sylvester and I had Courtney during the time period that the JSA was disbanded, so I didn't have to worry about that." Barbara said.

"Yeah, why did the JSA disband? Rex won't tell me." Wendi said.

"Trust me, you're better off not knowing." Kendra said.

"Still, now that Pat's an actual member of the JSA, I can't deny that I have my concerns." Barbara said and Kendra nodded.

"I understand that Barb, but trust me, it's worth it." Kendra said as she looked down at Alda lovingly.

"At least in the meantime, you've got babysitters who can watch her while you're off saving the world." Wendi said, referring to herself and Barb.

"Very true. Though you won't be getting paid." Kendra said and before Wendi or Barb could respond, she was hit by another headache as more memories appeared in her mind that she didn't recognize.

"Are you okay?" Barb asked her.

"I think so. Just more memories appearing. It's weird though, it usually doesn't take this long for them to come back." Kendra said, since she didn't recognize any of the memories she saw.

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