Chapter 14

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Courtney sighed as she and Yolanda made their way through the halls of Blue Valley High School for their first day of their sophomore year.

"You okay?" Yolanda asked.

"Just wondering who the bigger pariah will be. You or me, since while you did have a fall from grace, we both know how this school treats people like me." Courtney said, referring to her sexuality.

"If anyone gives you problems, they can take it up with my claws." Yolanda said, only half joking about that.

"Think Henry will give me trouble now that you're no longer dating him?" Courtney asked her.

"No. He's in enough hot water with me as it is. I mean I doubt he cares, but still. You were friends with him even longer than I was. Hell, I'm amazed he never outed you." Yolanda said.

"I came out before he got the chance." Courtney reminded her.

"Good point. Any chance any members of the JSA had time travel abilities?" Yolanda asked.

"Jay could, but I doubt he'd be willing to take us back in time for any reason, since he's pretty hell bent on not interfering with the timeline." Courtney said.

"Why not? It would make life so much easier if he'd take me back in time so I never went out with Henry." Yolanda said.

"I can see the appeal, but Yolanda, if there's one thing we've learned from nearly every time travel movie, changing the past never ends well and the good guy ends up needing to go back in time and undo whatever it is they changed." Courtney said.

"True, but still. How does that work? I thought his power was that he could run fast." Yolanda asked.

"Yeah, you're asking the wrong person, I barely understand the science about that myself." Courtney admitted.

"Got it. So, when does Pat get back, since Mike came home yesterday via thunderbolt wish. I just hope he doesn't try to use it to do his homework." Yolanda said.

"Wouldn't surprise me. But then again, from what I heard about the rules of the Thunderbolt, can't make the same wish twice, so he probably won't want to waste that wish." Courtney said.

"Fair enough." Yolanda agreed, right as she bumped into someone.

"Oh, I'm sorry." Yolanda said, only to stop when she saw that she'd bumped into Henry.

"Actually, I take that back. You're lucky I didn't shove you into a wall." Yolanda said angrily before she walked away.

"Yolanda." Henry tried, but it was no use, she was long gone.

"You realize you'll be lucky if she ever forgives you for what you did Henry? She trusted you with those photos and you betrayed her and ruined her life. Her own parents don't even acknowledge her as their daughter anymore." Courtney said.

"I know and honestly, I wasn't even intending to show those photos to everyone in this school." Henry said.

"But you were planning on showing them off to your idiot friends?" Courtney asked, raising an eyebrow and Henry didn't deny it.

"I honestly don't know how she ever could've liked you. Or how I could've thought that you were a good enough guy to go out with her." Courtney said, since she'd been the one to encourage Yolanda to give Henry a chance and that had ended up being a mistake.

"Courtney." Henry said.

"No Henry, if you ever want Yolanda to forgive you, which is likely never going to happen, then just back off and let her cool off and come to you on her own terms." Courtney said, since she knew that despite her best friend's better instincts, Yolanda still had feelings for Henry, even though he'd hurt her the way he had.

"Fine." Henry said as Courtney walked away from him, leaving him alone with his thoughts of how much he regretted hurting Yolanda the way he had.

However, he was pulled from his thoughts when he felt someone placed their hand on his shoulder, causing him to jump slightly, only to calm down when he saw that it was his friend and fellow football player, Artemis Crock, the first and only female football player in the history of Blue Valley High, but Henry knew that she was the advantage every other team wished they had.

"Whoa, you okay?" Artemis asked him, since she was one of the few friends he had left who actually cared about him for who he is, not because he was popular.

"Yeah, just great." Henry said.

"Really, because I just saw you once again strike out at trying to apologize to Yolanda. You know she's never going to forgive you. Especially as long as you're dating Cindy. Why are you dating Cindy? You never exactly cared about her before?" Artemis asked.

"Because after Yolanda dumped me after the incident, she was there to help me bounce back and now I'm trapped in this relationship, though I'm not sure why, since honestly, sometimes I think she doesn't want to be in a relationship with me anymore than I want to be in a relationship with her." Henry said.

"Then why are either of you in it?" Artemis asked.

"I'll let you know when I figure that out." Henry said, since he was still trying to figure that out himself.

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