Chapter 8

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Is anyone else wishing that Carter and Kendra's World War 2 incarnations were part of the Legends version of JSA?

"So, you and Rex allowed his son, your stepdaughter, who's also Sylvester's daughter, and two other teenage girls to take on the burden of being members of the JSA." Carter asked as Pat brought him up to speed on everything he'd missed as they walked through the old JSA headquarters.

"Courtney wants justice for Sylvester and the staff chose her. We both know that the staff has a mind of its own and we can't overrule it." Pat said.

"Plus there's the fact that it never once respected you." Carter said with a chuckle.

"Yeah, don't remind me. It doesn't help that the staff has essentially made her the new leader of the JSA." Pat said.

"Just like her father before her. We both know that the staff doesn't pick someone who's a follower. It picks someone who's meant to lead." Carter said.

"I know. But still, when Sylvester died, I made him a promise that I'd protect his family. There is a part of me that can't help but feel like I"m dishonoring that promise by letting his daughter do this." Pat said.

"You're not letting her do anything Pat. It's her choice." Carter said as they finally arrived at the meeting room.

"It's been 12 years since I've set foot inside this place, and yet it hasn't changed much." Carter said with a smile as he looked around before actually walking over to the seat that had once been his. The seat that was positioned between the seats that formerly belonged to his wife Kendra and his friend Alan Scott, the Green Lantern.

"You could've come back here at any time. The rest of us do." Pat said.

"You're braver than I am Pat." Carter said, right as he noticed something missing.

"Wait, I thought you said you only took Ted's suit, Rex's hourglass and Charles's goggles and suit from this place." Carter said.

"I did." Pat said.

"So, then why is Alan's lantern missing?" Carter asked as Pat turned to find that Carter was right, the Green Lantern's power battery was missing.

"No, it was here the last time I was here a few months ago." Pat said.

"How could someone have gotten in here without triggering any of the security measures. And more importantly, why only steal the lantern?" Carter asked.

"I don't know, but that alone rules out the ISA, since they wouldn't just take one item from this place, they'd raid the entire place and take everything that could be used. And not just weapons, but also information." Pat said.

"The JSA files that would tell them everything they need to know to find the remaining JSA members." Carter said and Pat nodded.

"So who broke in here and took the lantern?" Pat asked.

"I don't know, but let's head down to the security center and find out." Carter said and Pat nodded, right as they heard someone approach them from one of the other hallways and Carter pushed Pat to the ground right before a beam of blazing green light hit the spot where he'd been standing.

"What the?" Pat asked as they turned to see a girl around Courtney's age holding Alan's lantern, which was glowing and to even greater concern, they saw she was somehow wearing Green Lantern's ring, which, along with her eyes, was also glowing.

"Who are you?" the girl asked.

"I could ask you the same question. Who are you and where did you get that ring?" Pat asked.

"And how did you get in here?" Carter demanded in anger.

"I've had this ring for the past 10 years and it led me here to its missing lantern." the girl said.

"And where did you steal it from?" Carter demanded and the girl actually looked offended by the accusation.

"I didn't steal it, it came to me. It's rightfully mine." the girl said.

"What right do you have to that ring?" Pat demanded.

"It belonged to my father Alan Scott, the Green Lantern." the girl said, stunning them both.

"Do you think it's possible?" Carter asked Pat.

"Well I mean, Sylvester had a daughter I never knew about until he died, so who knows. It's not like we were very open about our personal lives." Pat said and Carter acknowledged that.

"Enough, who are you two and what makes you think you have any right to question me?" the girl asked.

"My name is Pat Dugan." Pat said.

"Stripesy." the girl said.

"You know about him?" Carter asked.

"Yeah, my dad told me about how he's a mechanical genius who built the world's first flying car. But what about you?" the girl asked as Carter just sighed and for the first time in years, he allowed his wings to appear.

"You're Hawkman." the girl said and Carter nodded.

"My current name is Carter Hall. And speaking of names, why don't you tell us your's?" Carter asked.

"My name is Jenni Lynn-Hayden." Jenni said as she finally lowered the ring.

"Well Jenni, why don't you tell us why you're here, since it's clearly for more than just the lantern. I'm guessing the ring led you to the lantern to recharge it." Pat said and Jenni nodded.

"Yeah. I don't really know how to use this thing, so I'm also here because from what I've heard, this place was built to handle the power of the ring. But I'm also here looking for my brother, Todd Rice." Jenni said as she explained everything to them.

"Look Jenni, I promise we will help you find your brother, if you're going to wear that ring, you need to learn how to use it. How to control it." Pat said and Carter nodded.

"Pat's right. It took your father years to learn how to fully control the ring and you could end up hurting people." Carter said as he brought his wings back in.

"I need to find my brother." Jenni insisted.

"And you will and we'll help you. Right now, he's safer if no one knows where he is, since trust me, Green Lantern's son, that would be a major target, since the ISA is still out there." Pat said.

"Wait, they're still alive?" Jenni asked.

"Yeah, and right now, I'm working with a new generation of the JSA to get justice for the originals. Including your father. Come back to Blue Valley with me." Pat said and Jenni nodded.

"Okay. But what about Hawkman?" Jenni asked, looking at Carter.

"I've got to remind Hawkgirl of who she really is and then we'll head up there." Carter said and Pat and Jenni both nodded.

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