Chapter 11

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"So, I can keep the pen?" MIke asked his father.

"As long as you agree to certain conditions, yes. And yes, this means that you can join the JSA, but that means you have to listen to me and Courtney at all times, no arguing and you're not going into the field until you've trained enough to be able to fight without the Thunderbolt's help, since while he's useful, he's also unpredictable and one of the downsides of having him is that it takes time and focus to come up with wishes that won't backfire and you don't usually have a ton of that to spare in a fight." Pat said.

"But I can at least start training like Courtney and actually get to be a part of the team meetings right?" Mike asked and Pat nodded.

"Yeah, but if you do anything without our permission, well, there are ways of keeping the Thunderbolt from its master and we will use them." Pat said.

"Come on, Courtney doesn't have that kind of restriction when using her staff." Mike complained.

"That's because she's older and has been training with that staff since she was 10. She knows how to handle it. You're just starting out. I gave Courtney and Rick very similar ground rules when they first started and Yolanda and Beth are in similar positions now." Pat said.

"What about me?" Jenni asked as she joined them.

"Same boat as Mike. No field work until you learn to get some level of control over the ring's power." Pat said and Carter nodded in agreement.

"Also, while I know it's risky, I think that the Thunderbolt is the best shot we have on restoring Kendra's memories." Carter said.

"Wait really?" Mike asked.

"Are you sure? I mean, we know how these wishes can backfire." Pat asked him.

"I'm sure and honestly, since we're just going to be having the Thunderbolt undo the ISA's programming, it should be relatively risk free, as long as Mike's very specific about what he wishes for." Carter said as he turned to face Pat's son.

"How should we do this? Just have her suddenly sprout wings wherever she is now?" Pat asked and Carter chuckled.

"No, I'll bring her and the kids here, since I don't think wishing them here is a good idea, mainly because it'll likely freak them out. Once they're here, then Mike can wish Kendra's memories back." Carter said and Pat nodded in agreement.

"And you know I need to let the others know you're still alive. Jay will probably be here when you get back." Pat said.

"Of course he will. Where has he been by the way?" Carter asked.

"Considering the recent news reports I've been hearing, my guess would be Central City, since he never told us where he'd been living in case the ISA was ever listening, but considering the reports I've heard from Central City, it wouldn't surprise me if that's where he's been living." Pat said and Carter nodded as he headed out.

When Carter returned to the JSA headquarters, he had a very confused Kendra and their children with them.

"This place looks familiar." Kendra said as she looked around.

"It should. You used to come here a lot. We both did." Carter said.

"I think I'd remember that." Kendra said.

"And you will in a second. Mike?" Carter asked, drawing their attention to the four strangers standing there, two adult men, one teenage girl and one tween boy.

"Yeah. So cool." Mike said as the Thunderbolt popped out of his pen.

"Whoa, what is that?" Carter and Kendra's 15 year old son Hector Hall asked.

"That son is the Thunderbolt and he's going to help your mom." Carter said.

"What do you mean?" Kendra asked as Carter looked at Mike, who nodded.

"Okay, I wish that the Kendra Saunders who's standing here in the former headquarters of the Justice Society of America in Civic City, would remember who she really is. Hawkgirl, the current incarnation of the reborn Priestess Chay-Ara of the Middle Kingdom of Egypt and a member of the Justice Society of America." Mike wished, trying to be as specific as possible.

"As you wish." the Thunderbolt said as to everyone's surprise, he zapped Kendra with pink lightning.

"What are you doing?" Pat demanded.

"Relax, this is all a part of the process. Look." Thunderbolt said as sure enough, Kendra's wings popped out as she grabbed her head as the memories of her true self finally re emerged.

"Mom?" Hector asked as the lightning finally stopped.

"I'm okay honey. Or at least I will be after I do this." Kendra said as she slugged her husband as hard as she could.

"I deserve that." Carter said.

"You're damn right you did. You somehow managed to remember who you really are and yet you let me stay dormant for years? You're lucky I didn't use your mace." Kendra said, glaring at her husband.

"What is going on?" Hector asked, seriously confused about why his mother just sprouted hawk wings.

"So, you gonna kill me before or after we tell our son?" Carter asked as Pat helped him up, since Jay looked like he wanted to punch Carter too and he wouldn't fault his friend.

"Come with me Hector and I'll explain everything." Kendra said as she pulled her son off to the side.

"Jay, I'm guessing you want to put your hand through my chest?" Carter asked.

"No, I'm not going to kill you Carter. The only person who gets to do that is your wife." Jay said with a chuckle, which Carter shared.

"I'm sorry I never reached out to you, but I had to protect my family." Carter apologized and Jay smiled at him.

"I understand Carter. But now that you're back in the game, you're going to help right?" Jay asked.

"Yeah, but what about you?" Carter asked as Jay sighed.

"Contrary to how I look thanks to my speed healing, I'm not as young as I used to be and I've handed the mantle of the Flash off to my son." Jay said.

"Wait, you have a son?" Pat asked.

"Yes, his name is Barry, but he's a full grown adult and while he inherited my speed, he's doing his own thing in Central City, so he can't join the JSA." Jay said.

"Still, we should meet him." Pat said.

"I just told him about the JSA and my powers and I think he needs some more time to fully process that before I take him to Blue Valley. However, Pat, I do think you should have Yolanda come out to Central City, since my wife Tina and I are better equipped to determine how she got powers that are similar to the abilities granted by Ted's suit." Jay said.

"Now that she's actually going to be living with my family, that's actually an option. I'll talk to her and Barb about it when I get back to Blue Valley." Pat said and Jay nodded.

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