Chapter 18

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Okay now we are at the first original chapter of the rewrite, which means that the story is now caught up with the others, which means that after this chapter, I will start updating the others again. Thank you guys for being so patient with me while I did this and hopefully, I won't need to do it again.

Jay/Henry smiled as he, Pat, Yolanda and Courtney stepped off the elevator at the top of the Mercury Labs building and found his wife Christina McGee waiting for them.

"Hello, welcome to Mercury Labs. You must be Pat Dugan. Henry has told me so much about you." Tina said as she held out her hand to Pat, who shook it.

"Thanks, I'd say he's told me a lot about you too, but I didn't even know he was married until today." Pat said, shooting Jay a look.

"I'm actually his second wife." Tina said.

"Wait, second wife." Courtney asked.

"I don't want to talk about that." Jay said and the normally cheerful man used a tone that made it clear that was not up for debate.

"Okay, so moving on. Jay mentioned that you could figure out what caused Yolanda to suddenly develop meta powers?" Pat asked and Tina nodded.

"My theory is that she was already a latent metahuman, meaning she possessed the metahuman gene, but her abilities weren't active until outside stimuli activated it." Tina said.

"I'm sorry, what?" Yolanda asked, since a majority of that had gone over her head.

"Wait, are you saying that Yolanda has always been a metahuman?" Pat asked, shocking Yolanda and Courtney.

"Yes. You see, based on our research, it would appear that every metahuman has a gene in them that when activated, gives them their metahuman powers. I have it, my son has it and so does every other meta we've tested." Jay said.

"So Yolanda could've sprouted her claws at any time in her life?" Courtney asked.

"Yes, or at the same time, her powers could've remained dormant. However, something must've happened to trigger her metahuman abilities." Tina explained, grateful that the elevator Jay had had them take was the one that took them straight up into her office.

"Can we figure it out after we run our tests." Jay said.

"What kind of stimuli normally triggers meta powers?" Courtney asked, curious about that.

"Well most recently, metahumans have been the result of people's DNA being affected by the dark matter energy wave that was released when the star labs particle accelerator blew up." Jay said, a bit darkly at that.

"Whoa, what's that about?" Courtney asked.

"The man who built the accelerator is the same man who killed his first wife and the mother of his son. It's complicated." Tina said.

"Jay, I'm so sorry." Pat said as he placed his hand on his friend's shoulder.

"It's fine Pat, but the man who did it, Eobard Thawne, is still loose somewhere, though my son seems to have taken a personal stake in the hunt for him." Jay said.

"That's not something we can control right now." Pat said, though he did feel bad for his friend.

"Well, why don't we get our tests started." Tina said and Yolanda nodded, eager to finally find out what caused her to develop powers.

While the others were back at Mercury Labs, Kendra was currently walking around Central City, trying to make sense of her memories form this place, though she could not figure out what the connection was.

However, she was pulled from her thoughts when she heard a familiar voice behind her that made her blood turn cold.

"Did you really think I would not track you down Chay-Ara?" Vandal Savage asked as he approached her, a dagger that she quickly realized was the amon dagger in his hand.

"I was hoping I'd have a bit more time." Kendra said.

"I am willing to show you mercy. Tell me where I can find Khufu and I will spare your life." Savage said.

"I'd rather die than betray him." Kendra said as she allowed her wings to emerge.

"Most unwise. But unexpected." Savage said as Kendra prepared to fight him.

However, before either of them could move, some kind of blue grey portal opened up and a very familiar man, or familiar to Kendra at least for some reason, wearing techy goggles and gauntlets jumped out of it.

"Kendra?" he asked, stunned at seeing her.

"You recognize me?" She asked.

"Yeah, but what are you doing here?" the man asked, only to dodge a dagger thrown at him by Savage.

"Oh I know you did not just do that." the man said.

"You really think you can beat him? Cisco?" Kendra asked, not sure how she knew his name, but clearly that meant something to the man.

"Call me Vibe and trust me, I got this. I can't beat him, but I can get rid of him." Vibe said.

"That is amusing that you think you can beat me." Savage said as he threw another dagger at Vibe, who blasted it away with some kind of blue energy beam out of his hand.

"Yeah, buh bye." Vibe said and before Savage could react, he opened up a breach underneath Savage, which he fell through.

"Where did you send him?" Kendra asked as she put her wings away.

"Middle of the Mongolian Desert. That should slow him down for a few days. But you recognize me, don't you?" Vibe asked.

"Kind of, but you clearly know why and you recognize me, so would you mind explaining?" Kendra asked.

"Not here. We need to get some place safe and then I'll tell you everything." Vibe said as he opened up another breach.

"Come on, I promise it's safe." He said as he held out his hand and for some reason, Kendra trusted him enough to take it and followed him through the breach.

Okay, and now we are back on schedule and this arc will be continued in the next chapter of Flash. Thank you all again for bearing with me through this rewrite and now it's back to the usual order.

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