Chapter 17

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Okay, here's the final rewrite chapter. Thank you guys for putting up with this and hopefully this will be my last rewrite, at least for awhile.

Kendra was trying to make sense of these new memory flashes she'd been receiving ever since the Thunderbolt had woken her up, but she couldn't, since they made no sense, since they were memories that were actually from her current incarnation, except they made no sense, since they didn't line up with the story of her life. And she was only getting fragments, not the whole memories, confusing her even more. However, there was one thing that was clear to her that all these memories had in common. Central City. That was the one link between all these memories. Especially since a few of them showed her and Carter actually beating Savage. Now that was something she definitely wanted to look into.

"Wait, why are you going to Central City?" Carter asked Kendra as they, along with Rex and Pat, stood in the backroom of the Pit Stop.

"I don't know. Just a feeling. Like there's something calling me there. I can't explain it." Kendra said.

"Well, that's actually convenient since I was heading out to Central City anyways." Pat said.

"Really, why?" Rex asked.

"Jay recommended that I take Yolanda out there so he can run some tests on her to figure out exactly how she got her powers. I don't know a lot about the lab he has out there, but since Central City is kind of metahuman central from the reports I've heard, it makes sense that he'd have more resources regarding this sort of thing." Pat said.

"And maybe you can even find out what he's been hiding about his personal life, since I highly doubt that he doesn't have a family by now." Rex said and Pat nodded, since while Jay had met their families, he'd never once talked about his own personal life.

"I'll see what I can find out. Anyways, I'm taking Yolanda and Courtney, just because she insists on knowing about the JSA, to Central City this weekend and Kendra, you are more than welcome to tagalong." Pat said.

"Thanks. Oh and Pat, you should also consider trying to track down the members of your old team. In a fight against the ISA, we need all the help we can get." Kendra said.

"If I knew to start looking for any of them, I would." Pat said, since he agreed with her on that, plus, it couldn't hurt to have some more adult heroes helping them out.

"It couldn't hurt to start looking." Rex said and Pat nodded in agreement.

"We'll start doing that once we get back from Central City." Pat said and the others nodded in agreement.

When the weekend came around, it found Pat, Kendra, Courtney and Yolanda in Pat's car driving towards Central City.

"So, where exactly is the lab that Jay wants us to meet him at?" Courtney asked.

"I don't know. He just gave us an address. No name." Pat said.

"Hey check out the sign." Yolanda said, pointing towards the sign near the road.

"Welcome to Central City. Proud home of the Flash." Kendra read aloud.

"I thought Jay wasn't back in action." Courtney asked.

"I don't think he is. I think that someone else has picked up his mantle, since I've been hearing reports about a new red blur running around Central City saving people and I guess now it's confirmed. Hopefully he'll have some information about this." Pat said, since he was curious about who this new Flash was.

"Wow, this place is much bigger than Blue Valley or even Civic City." Yolanda said as she and Courtney looked out the windows at the big city around them.

"Yeah, I guess it is." Pat said as they arrived at the address, only to be surprised that it was a huge building with the words Mercury Labs printed on the top.

"Mercury Labs. I've heard of them. They're one of the biggest tech companies in the country." Kendra said.

"So why would Jay want us to meet him here?" Yolanda asked as Pat parked the car.

"Because this is where I work." Jay said as he walked up to them.

"Jay." Pat said as he hugged the veteran speedster.

"Hey Pat. Kendra, what a surprise." Jay said.

"Yeah, I'm not going to be here for the tests you run on Yolanda. I was just hitching a ride so I can chase down a lead on something here." Kendra said before she walked away from them.

"Any idea what's going on with her?" Jay asked Pat.

"No. But anyways, we're here because you said that you might be able to figure out how Yolanda got her powers." Pat said.

"And we will. But before we go inside, there are a few things you need to know." Jay said.

"Like what?" Courtney asked.

"For starters, here, everyone knows me as Dr. Henry Allen." Jay said.

"You changed your name." Pat said and Jay nodded.

"To protect my family." Jay said.

"So you do have a family." Courtney said and Jay nodded.

"My wife Tina and my son Barry." Jay said.

"I'm guessing your son is the new Flash." Pat asked and Jay nodded.

"He is. But he won't be joining the JSA, since for one thing, Barry's already an adult and Central City already depends on him and his team to protect it." Jay said.

"Why didn't you tell us this before?" Pat asked.

"To protect my family, since Tina has known about my powers from the beginning, I didn't tell Barry until his powers showed up." Jay said and Pat nodded.

"Still, can we at least meet him?" Courtney asked and Jay nodded.

"That we can do." Jay said as he led them inside the building and up towards his lab.

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