Chapter 3

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This chapter is going to have a major shift from the canon, even more than I already have and it's an idea I wanted to use in the previous story, but did not. Here we go.

Pat was currently standing in the JSA headquarters, looking around at the different banners of his fallen teammates. He couldn't believe that the entire JSA was gone and that the ISA had won. But in addition to that, he couldn't help but think about Sylvester's last words before he died. He had a family. One that he'd never told anyone, even him about. And Pat couldn't even be mad about it considering what had happened to all the members of Sylvester's family that people knew about. His parents and his sister had all been killed by the ISA. But still, he would've kept that secret, he always had kept Sylvester's secrets.

However, he was pulled from his thoughts when he heard a sound he never thought he'd hear again.

"No, it can't be." Pat said as he turned around to see not only the Flash, aka, Jay Garrick, speed into the building with Hourman, aka, Rex Tyler, standing there, both of them panting heavily as they got their bearings.

"Jay, Rex, how?" Pat asked as he rushed towards his friends.

"My speed healing kicked in and healed my injuries. Without it, I would've died." Jay said.

"And while Tigress did manage to beat me up pretty badly, she didn't kill me. I just played dead until the ISA left. What happened with Sylvester? We searched the whole mansion and there was no sign of him or the staff." Rex asked, but Pat just shook his head.

"Icicle got him while we were escaping." Pat said and both Jay and Rex bowed their heads down in honor of Sylvester and the rest of their fallen comrades.

"And the staff?" Jay asked.

"Gone. But I do have an idea about where it went." Pat said.

"Where?" Rex asked.

"To Sylvester's family." Pat said.

"Wait, what family?" Jay asked.

"It turns out that after the JSA disbanded, he retired and had a wife and a daughter. Before he died, he told me and told me that his staff was going to find them if he died." Pat said.

"Wow, he never even told you?" Rex asked and Pat shook his head.

"No, I guess after what happened to the rest of his family, he didn't want to take any chances. But he did ask me to find them and protect them, but he died before he could tell me where to find them." Pat said.

"We'll find them Pat." Rex promised, right as an alert went off from the garage.

"We've got an intruder." Pat said.

"Let's go. It might be the ISA coming to finish the job, though how they got through our defenses is beyond me." Rex said as they headed down to the garage.

However, when they arrived, they were very surprised to find that the intruders were not the ISA, but instead a blonde haired woman and a little girl. But what really surprised Pat was that the woman was holding Sylvester's staff.

"Who are you and how did you get in here?" Rex demanded, scaring the girl, which Jay noticed and smacked his teammate for.

"My name is Barbara Whitmore and my husband told me how to get in." Barbara said.

"You're Sylvester's wife aren't you." Pat said and the woman nodded.

"Yes. And this is our daughter Courtney and you must be Pat Dugan. I'm sorry this is how we have to meet." Barbara said as Rex and Jay both calmed down as they noticed the staff she was holding.

"Why did you come here?" Rex asked, curiously.

"Sylvester and I decided to make sure Courtney knew who her father really was, so I brought her here so she could feel close to him today, since it is Christmas." Barbara said and Pat smiled.

"She does look like her father." Pat said as he looked at the little girl who was hiding behind her mother's leg.

"Yes she does. And she wants to be like her father when she grows up." Barbara said.

"Why don't we continue this discussion upstairs in the meeting room." Jay suggested and they all nodded in agreement at that.

"I'm sorry, you are?" Barbara asked.

"Jay Garrick, aka, the Flash." Jay said as he held out his hand, which Barbara shook.

"Rex Tyler, Hourman." Rex said, though Barb was a bit more hesitant to shake his hand, since he'd scared her daughter.

"So what do we do now? The ISA is likely going to realize that three of us are still alive and come after us?" Rex asked as he, Jay, Pat and Barbara sat around the table in the meeting room while Courtney explored the base, especially taken by Dr. Midnite's owl Hootie.

"That's why we all need to go into hiding." Jay said.

"You can come back to Blue Valley with us. It's a small town in Nebraska and the reason Sylvester moved us there was because of how out of the way it is. No one will look for you there." Barb said.

"That's not a bad idea. I have a wife myself and a son around Courtney's age. They'd probably enjoy playing with each other." Rex said.

"I think I'll keep my distance, two members of the JSA in one place could draw attention. But Pat, it sounds like Blue Valley is where you're going, since Sylvester did say he wanted you to protect his family." Jay said.

"If that's okay with you." Pat said to Barb, who nodded.

"Of course. It'll be nice to be the closest thing Sylvester had to a father or brother with us, it'll be the closest we'll get to having him back." Barbara said.

"I actually have a son myself, Mike and I think he'll like having a sister figure." Pat said and Barbara nodded as they continued talking.

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