Prologue - Old Corona

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It was nightfall in Old Corona.

Inside Varian's house, Eugene was tired after one-day's work with Quirin. Most of the time, Eugene would help Varian for his inventions. Eugene does that every day after working with Quirin for his gardening. They are planting and watering pumpkins in one patch. For just one dark night, Eugene was already laying his back on the hammock.

Varian crafts restlessly for one of his latest inventions. He was only working on one invention. Varian was crafting the sturdy rowboat. He was just finishing the rest of it in the process.

Eugene glanced at Varian. He was raising his eyebrow and smiling at the same time. "I really don't like to interrupt your project, Varian. But rowboats are already invented." Eugene mentioned.

Varian was too concentrated on his transportation invention. He sighed in his smile. "It's a rowboat for you and me, Eugene." Varian added. He was cheerful. "I tested a lot of types of woods that floats on water. The cedar wood piece was the best one. And I intend to make it thicker." Varian uttered.

Eugene rested his head. He was exhausted. "Varian, you talked me into this stinkin' boat for two people for a whole year. And now you're telling me it's for me and you." Eugene added. He was perplexed yet happy. "What was it for, anyway? To have our little Team Awesome bonding time?" Eugene wondered.

"We're rowing in our boat on the river to get Rapunzel's crown back." Varian replied.

Eugene gets up hastily. He was astonished. "Have you lost your mind, kid?!" Eugene exclaimed.

Varian halts building. He faced Eugene with his grin. Varian fast-walks to him. "Eugene, this is our second chance! If the princess's crown was out of our reach, maybe it got drifted far away from here!" Varian exclaims.

Eugene grasped Varian's shoulders. He was frightened. "Varian, just please listen and look at me!" Eugene added, exclaiming. Varian was solemn. Eugene was looking in Varian's eyes. Varian looks back at Eugene's eyes. Eugene sighed. "Varian, I've only been your big brother for a year. The best year of my life. We can't just leave Old Corona for Rapunzel's crown again. And I can't go to Corona without being in the castle's dungeons." Eugene uttered.

Varian stares down at the floor. "Eugene...A lot has happened one year ago...While we invent things together...including redoing the hot running water tank...Cassandra's not a royal guard anymore...Rapunzel's back in her actual home kingdom...The princess's crown wasn't found...No one could have got it back...Not even the royal guards..." Varian added. He faced Eugene. "Perhaps we're the only ones who's gonna get Rapunzel's crown back." Varian believed.

Eugene sighs and perturbs. He was concerned. "Varian, you're forgetting that your dad was sheltering me from the guards! If I get caught by an army of royal Coronan guards, that's the end of me!" Eugene exclaimed.

It's been one year since Eugene and Varian met face-to-face unexpectedly.

Eugene tries to conceal himself from the royal guards of Corona. He stole the crown from the castle. It was for Princess Rapunzel.

Varian captures the thief by his purple sticky goo trap. He needed to know if the long-lost princess is in the hidden place. Varian believes that Rapunzel is being concealed in the tower.

Eugene has been altering his own character after he encountered Varian. Eugene was the thief since the orphanage. He's been a pretend big brother to Varian in Old Corona. Eugene saves Varian from sudden dangers. Eugene saved Varian from drowning in the river. Then, Eugene saves Varian from the cold.

Eugene facepalmed himself.

Varian pondered. Then, he was delighted. "If I can finish building our rowboat sooner, we'll go away from here for awhile. Just the two of us." Varian suggested.

Eugene raises his eyebrow at him. He was puzzled. "What if our rowboat sinks?" Eugene asked.

Varian was astonished.

Eugene was anxious. "Varian, I know you're a clever kid with your bit of the sass attitude. I'm just still scared of you that you'll be in the risk of drowning again." Eugene added. Eugene's hands cupped Varian's face. Varian was sad. Eugene sighs. He was melancholy. "It has disturbed me to see you drowned once in the river. You can't float. I tried to teach ya to swim. It hurts me to see you sunk pretty low. We couldn't just leave Old Corona unprepared." Eugene said.

Varian embraced him.

Eugene embraces Varian back. Eugene made a pitiful smile. "I love you, Varian. You're like a brother to me still." Eugene said.

Varian was sobbing. "I love you too, Eugene." Varian added. "I was so hopeful that we'll have an another adventure again. I still hoped we can get the crown back without getting hurt." He sobbed.

Eugene stroked Varian's back. "Me too." Eugene added, reassuring. "Maybe we would possibly get a sign or something soon. We'll not know until much later in the future." He mentioned.

Next part soon!

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