Chapter 14 - Eugene's Dread

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Note: This is the sad scene. Sorry about that.

Eugene stirred his body in slumber. He was furrowing and un-furrowing his eyebrow.

Seconds later, Eugene was in his fantasy.

Eugene's nerve-racking dream begins;

He was confused. Eugene surveyed his surroundings. He was still confused. "Where the heck am I?! And why is everything so...perishing?!" Eugene questioned himself in exclamation.

It was the Kingdom of Corona.

He witnessed the castle invaded by big black rocks.

Eugene shifted himself the other way. He was in horrorstruck. "Oh my god..." Eugene whispered.

It was once the breathtaking peaceful forest.

Everything was wilting.

There was the woman with her long blond hair.

It was not the same blond-long-hair kind of Rapunzel. She was partially with her long aqua blue hair. Rapunzel has the same aqua blue eyes that matches her hair.

Her dress wasn't even purple from the floating lanterns painting. She wore the midnight blue dress. Rapunzel wears her navy blue gloves. Her skin looked pale like she was moon-bathing for years.

Rapunzel got the moonstone brightened on her chest.

She was aggressive. "You have no idea what you have just done for yourself." Rapunzel said.

Eugene widens his eyes.

She brought something from her back. From her left hand, it was the crown that he stole one year ago. Rapunzel was angry. "I believe THIS was mine, Eugene Fitzherbert. Or should I call you...FLYNN RIDER..." she said.

Eugene gasped. He was alarmed. "Rapunzel, I can explain!" Eugene shouted.

She was triggered. "For what?! How you steal my crown?! That I can't become the princess without it?! Which YOU let it drift away over YOUR so-called little brother?!" Rapunzel exclaimed.

Eugene was stunned. "Varian was drowning! Please don't be so hard on him!" He exclaims.

She shook her head. "I wasn't gonna be hard on VARIAN..." Rapunzel mentioned.

Eugene was relieved. "Oh, princess. I'm so glad you're going easy on my brother." He said.

She was resolute. "That's not what I meant..." Rapunzel added. Eugene was baffled. She was encountering someone else to her right. Rapunzel was irritated. "Your little brother can't speak to me or you..." she said.

Rapunzel grabbed some of her yellow-and-blue-hair. She was pulling her long hair up. Rapunzel snarled. "" she added. Eugene was puzzled. Rapunzel attempts to pull her long hair up one more time. She dragged it upwards. Rapunzel was livid. "ALL TIED UP!" she shouts.

Varian was in Rapunzel's binds of her long hair. He was fearful. "EUGENE!" Varian screamed.

Eugene was panic-stricken. "NO!" He added, shrieking. Eugene extended his right hand. "PRINCESS, LET VARIAN GO!" Eugene pleaded in his shriek.

She rolled her eyes. Rapunzel was wicked. "Oh, oh I will!" She added, exclaiming. Rapunzel was madder. "After I recite the reverse incantation!" She exclaimed.

Varian was terror-stricken. He was breathing heavy.

Eugene was anxious. His eyes became widened. "Reverse?" He inquired.

Rapunzel closed her eyes. She sings the incantation. Her voice was eerie.

Wither and decay
End this destiny
Break these earthly chains
And set the spirit free

Rapunzel's yellow-and-blue long hair was changing into black gradually. She was getting the darkest color from her hair roots. Her black hair develops more. Rapunzel's eyes are opened. She was all black. Rapunzel has no eye pupils. She sang her song again.

Wither and decay

Varian was aghast at her hair. Then, he faced him.

End this destiny

Varian was sorrowful. He let his tears be fallen in his face. "EUGENE!!" Varian screams.

Eugene was frightened. "NOOO!! VARIAN!!" Eugene cried out loud in pain. He hurries to him.

Break these earthly chains

Eugene was panting. He was worried. Her blackness of her hair was close to Varian. Eugene efforts to untie Rapunzel's hair. "HOLD ON, VARIAN! I'LL GET YOU OUT OF THERE!" Eugene shouted.

And set the spirit free

Varian was shutting his eyes. He was afraid. Varian went gasping.

Eugene unravels her long hair steady to Varian's side. Eugene shifted his hands back. He was flinched at his hands. "Gah!" Eugene yelled. His black gloves melted. He was unharmed. Eugene was shocked. "Varian!" Eugene screamed. He tries to touch the princess's hair again.

Varian opened his eyes halfway. He was melancholy. "Eugene, don't!" Varian yells. He was closing his eyes. Varian was coughing a few times.

The spirit free

Eugene shook his head. He was dismayed. Eugene was saddened. "No..." he whispered. Eugene was hurt. "Varian, hang on..." Eugene sobbed.

Rapunzel's hair was completely black. Varian was becoming drained. He was bracing his life. Varian coughed up a couple more times.

Eugene was upset. He was frowning at the princess. "RAPUNZEL! RELEASE VARIAN FROM YOUR HAIR!" Eugene screams louder. He was crying harder.

She doesn't respond to his pleading.


Eugene confronted the princess.

She wasn't moving.

He can't handle his heartbreak any longer. Eugene was falling apart. "RAPUNZEEEEEL!!!" He yells.

Eugene's nerve-racking dream ends;

The sun rises from the ocean. It was morning.

In the Ruffians' Ship, Eugene gets up suddenly. He went wide-awake. Eugene gasped. He was stunned. Eugene was panting. He was solemn. "Varian..." Eugene whispers. He was getting emotionally sad. Eugene shuts his eyes. He covered his face. Eugene was sobbing.

Varian and Adira noticed Eugene. They are bewildered.

Varian rushes to him. He was concerned yet sympathetic. "Eugene, you okay?" Varian asked.

Eugene sobs harder. He was breathing horribly. "I don't know what dream I had...Nothing makes sense to me...Everything was dying...The black rocks overtake Corona...I don't want to believe it...I don't believe that Rapunzel was the reason for such awful things to happen...And she has an opal on her chest...I can't...I can't go through this agony..." Eugene sobbed. He won't quit crying.

Adira was serious.

Varian was melancholy. He hugged Eugene. "I had no idea." Varian added. He leaned on Eugene's head. Varian sighed. "I guess we both have trouble talking about what scares us." He said softly.

Eugene breathes heavily.

Varian grasped Eugene. Varian was comforting. "Eugene, it's gonna be all right. Rapunzel wouldn't hurt Corona, you'll see." Varian reassured in his condolence.

Eugene uncovered his face. He lays in Varian's arms. Eugene was wretchedly unhappy. "The only one thing that I'm hoping for this my painful dream was wrong..." he said quietly.

Eugene was unease. There was one question he asked himself in thought.

Why is Rapunzel mad at me about her crown?

Next part soon!

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