Epilogue - Rapunzel?!

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Note: The intense scene again! Sorry, fellas! The sneak peek after this part! Thank you, everyone!

In the Moonstone Chamber, the princess of Corona has been joined with the Moonstone.

The opal was on Rapunzel's chest. It was shining.

She has long aqua blue hair. Rapunzel's long hair have some streaks of blonde. She also has aqua blue eyes. Her purple dress was morphed into midnight blue dress. Rapunzel has something new on her both hands. She has navy blue gloves.

The moonstone brightens on her chest.

Rapunzel looked pale like she was moon-bathing for years. She had her both fists clenched. Rapunzel frowned.

She was vexed. "You have no idea how much I have been going thru...the nightmare since I was truly home in the kingdom of Corona...One year of it..." Rapunzel argued.

Maximus and Ruddiger are surprised.

Lance was afraid.

Adira was angry.

King Edmund was anxious. "I don't understand..." he said.

Varian was behind Eugene. Varian was disbelieved.

Eugene was stunned. Then, he was fierce at the king. "You lead the princess of Corona to the Moonstone?!" Eugene shouted in question mark.

King Edmund shrugs. "Rapunzel was a curious yet sweet and innocent woman." He answered in his explanation.

Eugene gestures to the princess. "You didn't tell her about the you-know-what?!" He wondered in exclamation.

King Edmund was baffled. "How should I know?" He added. King Edmund made a wrong saying. "You're the one who stole and lost it in the river." He stated.

Then, King Edmund was astonished.

Rapunzel was mad. "What?!" She shouts confusingly.

Varian facepalmed himself. "Oh...Rapunzel knows about the crown..." he whispered.

Eugene was frowning at the king. He groaned. "You are the worst dad I've had ever met." Eugene mentioned.

King Edmund was pathetic. "All right, I confess...I was minding the Moonstone since you were born...It was destroying everything..." he added. King Edmund looked over Adira. She was still angry. The king was still pathetic. "And then, one of my warriors found the crown that was stuck on the river bank..." he admitted.

Adira was bemused.

Varian was bewildered. He raised his eyebrow. Varian gestured at Adira. "Wait, SHE has found the crown the whole time?! THE WHOLE TIME?!" He added in his questioning shout. Varian was irked. He faced her. "Adira, why didn't you tell us about that? The same crown that was stolen a year ago?" Varian asked.

Adira was more perplexed. "I don't know how to do with it. I have to discuss with the king for such a matter." She answered.

Eugene was exasperated. "Adira, you could have been the one to go to Old Corona instead of the Dark Kingdom." He added. "Because if you have, Varian would still have his dad." Eugene clarified.

Lance was upset at Adira. "Oh, swordslady! How could you!" He exclaimed.

Rapunzel was madder. She swished her both arms wide. Rapunzel has her fists clenched on. "THAT'S ENOUGH!" She yelled. Rapunzel let out the blue electrifying effect on her.

They all stared at the princess shockingly.

Rapunzel unbraided her mix of yellow and blue hair. "Is anybody interested to hear ME for what I have to say for this moment?!" She wondered in exclamation.

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