Chapter 5 - Another Thief

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Varian was grumpy. "We have turned our backs on our rowboat for several minutes. And it's been stolen." He added. "Who the heck would steal our rowboat?!" Varian exclaimed.

Eugene examines the rowboat markings. He was peeved. "Some silly thief could be the one." Eugene guessed.

Adira was confused. "Don't you two want to get your supplies and your new clothes first?" She asked.

Varian growls.

Eugene took a deep breath. He was concerned. "Varian, Adira has a point. We're kinda empty-handed unfortunately." Eugene added. He was smiling yet awkward. He shrugged. "Besides, it's just a rowboat." He stated.

Varian was not thrilled. "Eugene, we need that for traveling on water. The Dark Kingdom was on the other side of the ocean." He believes.

Adira tilted her head. "Wouldn't it be better if we take a trip on the ship instead?" She wondered.

Varian shook his head. "No way." He replied.

Eugene goes between Varian and Adira. He was bothered. "Okay, you two. Let's just get to the town and gather what we need from there." Eugene decided.

Varian takes deep breaths. He was calmed down yet annoyed. "Fine." Varian acknowledges.

Eugene took Varian's left hand. Eugene was cheerful. "The sooner we get ourselves prepared for our big adventure, the better." He reassured.

Eugene dragged Varian forward.

Adira efforts to walk pass by them.

Eugene smiles at the sky.

Varian faced Adira. He gestures his right hand 'I got my eyes on you'. Varian was peeved.

She was wide-eyed. Adira shrugs. She doesn't seem to care.


In the forest, there was another thief. He was taller than Eugene Fitzherbert.

He was full of giggles. "Lance Strongbow, you are a sly rogue." He said to himself.

Lance was sitting in the rowboat. He was pretending to row a boat with his both hands. Lance was so goofy of himself. He was singing the catchy rowboat song.

Row, row, row your boat
Gently down the stream
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily
Life is but a dream

Lance was having too much fun of himself. He sang a song again.

Row, row, row your boat

Lance continues singing the catchy rowboat song. Then, he hears another voice sang his song too. Lance was horrified. He fast-sing a song. Lance got out of the rowboat. He picked it up. Lance tossed the rowboat in the bushes. He was agitated. Lance was about to encounter people. He thought they are guards. Lance meet a few people. He was beamed at one familiar face. "Flynn?!" Lance exclaims.

Eugene, Varian and Adira raised their eyebrows at them. Eugene wore his darker blue shirt. His black gloves. His dark gray pants. And his black boots. He carried a sword around his brown waist-belt.

Varian wears his new blue-gray shirt. His new black gloves. His new dark brown pants. His new black shoes. His new light brown apron. He also has his new dark green cloak. Varian holds a wooden long staff. He have a couple vials of his admixtures on his long prop. They are attached on top of his long staff. Varian carries a darker brown satchel.

Eugene shook his head. "Nope." He added. Eugene was annoyed. He gestures himself. "It's just Eugene Fitzherbert." He introduced.

Eugene stepped forward to him. He was cunning with his smile. "Nice song, by the way." Eugene added. "I can see everyone will be singing that in the future. And it might go on for the kiddos for a long time." He believed.

Lance was eccentric. "Flynn, don't tell me that you have forgotten about me. We were buddies in the orphanage." He mentioned.

Varian was irked. He faced Eugene. Varian narrowed his eyes. "Eugene, who the heck is he?" Varian wondered.

Eugene glanced at Varian. He was miffed. "Varian..." Eugene added. He gestured to another character. Eugene glances at the other rogue. "Meet Lance Strongbow...My first childhood friend back at the orphanage...He used to be my partner-in-crime..." Eugene replied.

Lance blew his raspberries. He was a scatterbrain. "Flynn and I go way back...We would go after the riches for ourselves...We steal, eat, sleep and repeat...Just like good old times..." Lance bragged.

Eugene perturbs and facepalms himself. Then, he was irritated. "The name's Eugene! EUGENE!" He yelled.

Varian was angry. "Okay, quit playing dumb, Lance!" He added, shouting. Varian pointed at him. "You stole our rowboat!" He accused.

Adira just observed the three boys.

Lance was baffled. "Rowboat? What rowboat?" He asked.

Varian crisscrossed his arms. He frowned. "The rowboat that was on the river couple hours ago." Varian added. He was wide-eyed. "You left a trail right to you!" Varian shouted.

Lance was in denial. He had his hands on his hips. "Sorry, little man...I don't see or have steal the rowboat..." Lance objected.

Varian growled. He was dissatisfied. "It's VARIAN! And don't lie to me, Lance!" Varian warns in exclamation.

Lance shook his head several times. He acted like a stubborn teen. "I do not see or have the rowboat..." Lance added. He grinned like he's winning a game. "Or even lying about stealing the rowboat..." Lance said.

Eugene marches forth at Lance. He was mad. Eugene grabs Lance's shirt. "Do you have the rowboat or not?!" Eugene yells.

Then, Adira begins searching thru the bushes.

Varian was worried. He grasped Eugene's left arm. Varian tugged him. "Eugene, please!" He begged.

Lance raises his hands up. He was chilled. "No, I get it." Lance added. He crisscrossed his arms. Lance was peeved. "Dads can be so temperamental." He believes.

Eugene was triggered. He elevated Lance up in the air. "DAD?!" Eugene screamed.

Lance was stunned.

Varian tugs Eugene harder. He was anxious.

Eugene was ticked off. "I'm eleven years older than him!" He shouts.

Varian was tugging Eugene's left arm harder. "Look, it's okay! It's just a rowboat!" Varian exclaimed.

Adira was frustrated. "Fishskin, put Earrings down! I found the rowboat!" She shouted.

Lance was bewildered at her. "Earrings?!" He exclaims.

Eugene dropped Lance. He was madder at her. "For the last time, swordslady, it's EUGENE!" He yelled.

Varian and Eugene are overwhelmed. They witnessed Adira finding the rowboat.

Varian looked down at Lance. He was stressful. "You, Lance, really are a thief and a liar!" Varian exclaimed.

Eugene shook his head. He was displeased. Eugene walked away. He guided Varian in a different direction. "Forget, Muscles, kid. We should get going to the Dark Kingdom." Eugene declares.

Lance was mystified. "The Dark Kingdom? Why are you guys heading there?" He wondered.

Varian takes deep breaths. He was so done with Lance. "None of your business, loot-head." Varian replied.

Eugene was stern at Varian. "Please, kid. I have a headache." He said.

Adira uplifted the rowboat. She was confident. "We are traveling to the Dark Kingdom for the princess's crown from Corona, Earrings." Adira replies honestly.

Varian and Eugene rotated themselves. They are upset. "ADIRA!!" They screamed in unison.

Lance glimpsed at her. He was awestruck. "Adira...That's a beautiful name..." Lance added. He faces the two boys. Lance was beamed. "All right, I'm in to have an adventure with you guys!" He declared in exclamation.

Eugene and Varian are perturbed. They covered their faces with their hands. "Oh no..." They whispered in unison.

Next part soon!

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