Chapter 16 - An Awkward Meeting

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Varian was joyful. "This is beautiful." He whispered.

Lance was getting impatient. "Hey?! What's happening over there?!" He hollered in question mark.

Varian faced Lance. Varian was happy. "Lance! We found Rapunzel fainted! Eugene kissed the princess!" Varian shouted in his answer.

Lance was cheerful. "Eugene kissed Rapunzel?!" He wondered in exclamation.

Adira was disbelieved. She raised her eyebrow.

Varian grinned. "YES!" He replied in exclamation.

Lance cheered for Eugene.

Ruddiger squeaks in joy.

Maximus neighed cheerfully.

Varian smiled at Eugene. Varian was glad for him.

Eugene leaves some water in her mouth. He parted his lips from hers. Eugene backs up his head. He took a deep breath.

The princess stirs her head. Rapunzel's upper chest elevated. She gasped. Rapunzel efforts to catch her breath. She flickered her eyelids.

Eugene opened his eyes. He was stunned.

Varian was surprised. "Princess..." he said.

Rapunzel was tired. She was bewildered to see two boys. Rapunzel looks at Varian. Then, she looked at Eugene. Rapunzel made her awkward smile. "Well...this is...unexpected..." she said.

Varian checked up on her. He was concerned. "Princess, are you okay?" Varian asked.

Rapunzel glanced at the alchemist. "Yeah..." she added, answering. Rapunzel shrugs. "Forgot to...fend myself...that is...all..." she mentions.

Eugene was resolute. "Rapunzel, it was careless of you to travel without supplies." He said.

Varian faced Eugene. Varian was irritated. "Eugene." Varian alerted.

The princess faced Eugene. She was guilty. "Na...He has...a good point..." Rapunzel added, admitting. Varian looks at her confusingly. She was awkward yet smiling. "My" Rapunzel confessed.

They blinked their eyes twice at her.

Eugene rolled his eyes. "The con horse..." he guessed in his whisper.

The princess was baffled. "What?" She inquired.

Varian shook his head. "Long story." He stated.

Rapunzel tilts her head. "I'm sorry...who two?" She inquires again.

Varian recognized. He was wide-eyed. "Oh!" Varian added, exclaiming. He gestured himself. "I'm Varian." He introduced himself.

Varian introduces to Rapunzel. He was annoyed. "And this is my big brother, Eugene." Varian said.

She couldn't quit staring at Eugene. Rapunzel was delighted. "You Rider..." she uttered.

Eugene was perturbed with his eyes widened. He was acting peculiar. Eugene grins. "Heh, tell me something else I don't know, Blondie." He said.


Moments later, Eugene carried Rapunzel to the rowboat.

Varian needed a time of himself a little bit. He was all alone. Varian walked over to the flower field. He was surrounded with the field of sunflowers. They are up to pretty tall to his waist.

Varian picked up one sunflower. He contemplates at it. Varian was solemn. "Eugene...I am so sorry for putting you up with the princess...I will not do it again...I promised that I will stick with you anywhere...And I'm gonna keep that promise..." Varian whispered to himself.

The alchemist felt his left shoulder being held. Varian rotated his head to his left. He was astounding.

It was Eugene. He was compassionate. Eugene smiles. "I forgive you, Varian..." Eugene added. He took Varian's left hand. "Come on...We're almost there to the Dark Kingdom..." Eugene mentioned. He dragged Varian to the rowboat. The alchemist was still holding the big sunflower.

Rapunzel was already on the one end of the rowboat. She was laying her back down.

Adira and Lance are sitting together on the other end of the rowboat. They are friendly.

Rapunzel petted the raccoon's head. She giggled.

Rapunzel gasped happily. She was beamed yet exhausted. "Varian...Is that...for me?" Rapunzel asked.

Eugene and Varian made it to the rowboat. Eugene looked at Varian strangely. The alchemist was looking down at his right hand. Varian was perplexed. He grinned silly. "Uhhhhh...yeah..." Varian added. He handed the princess the big sunflower. "Call it a get-well-present." Varian said.

Rapunzel took the big sunflower from the alchemist. She smells at it. Rapunzel smiled at Varian. "That was...really sweet...of you..." she said.

Eugene crisscrossed his arms. He was frowning at Varian. Eugene raises his eyebrow at him. "Way to go, brother." He said.

Varian made a sheepish grin at Eugene.

Varian and Eugene hopped on the rowboat.

The white horse walks forth.

Varian and Eugene are in the middle of the rowboat.

They are facing the princess.

Rapunzel was cheery. She realized that there was space left on her seat. Rapunzel pat three times at it. She was offering to sit with her.

Varian eyed on Eugene. He was peeved.

Eugene was smirking. He shook his head. "No, thanks, Blondie." Eugene said.

Varian elbowed Eugene hard by his left arm. The alchemist was a grump.

Eugene was perturbed. "Ow!" He exclaimed. Eugene rubs his right arm. He was angry.

Varian glanced up. He was pretending that he didn't do anything.

Eugene glances at Varian.

Adira was bemused. "What's bugging you, Fishskin?" She asks.

Eugene was still angry. "Varian shoved my arm too rough." Eugene answered.

Varian faced Eugene. "Did not." Varian argued.

"Did too." Eugene argues back.

Varian shook his head. "Did not." He bickered.

Lance was rolling his eyes. He was displeased.

Eugene nodded his head. "Did too." He bickers.

Adira was disinterested.

Varian was crossed with Eugene. "I did not. And you haven't seen me done it." Varian complained.

Eugene was vexed. "You did too. And you were right next to me." He complains.

Rapunzel was laughing at Eugene and Varian.

Eugene and Varian stared at the princess bewilderingly.

Rapunzel was giggling. Then, she was lightheaded. Rapunzel touched her head. "Phew...Dizzy..." she said to herself.

The alchemist shifts himself to Rapunzel carefully. Varian was mad. "Alright, Eugene." Varian added. He was next to the princess. Varian pulled out the canteen out of his satchel. He faces Eugene firmly. "YOU can stay where you're at. I am gonna help Rapunzel to keep herself hydrated. While I am doing that, YOU owed the princess an apology, Mister Cranky." Varian suggested.

Eugene narrowed his eyes. He was a moody guy.

Rapunzel cannot stop giggling at Eugene and Varian.

Next part soon!

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