Chapter 13 - Nightfall on the Ship

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On the Pub Thugs' ship, there was a celebration at night.

The lights from lanterns are on.

The ruffians are dancing to the catchy song.

Each ruffian in the ship got a dream.

Hook Hand plays the piano. He dreamt to be a concert pianist.

Hook Foot was a great dancer. He wanted to prance around with his dance moves.

Attila loved to cook. He wanted to be a baker.

One thug wanted to be a florist.

One ruffian wanted to be a interior designer.

One wants to knit. One wants to do a puppet show. One thug wanted to make a love connection with his dream-girl. One loves to collect ceramic unicorns. One strange character wants to be a mime.

Attila faced Adira. He was curious. "Um, mam, what's your dream?" Attila asked.

She faces the armored ruffian. Adira was confused yet happy. "I enjoy meditating in the outside world." She answered.

Attila was perplexed. He sighed. "A meditator." Attila added, believing. He sounded interested. "Nature is beautiful, isn't it?" Attila wondered.

Adira smiled. "It does." She replied.

Lance was on the dance floor. He was delighted. Lance sings for his dream.

I've got dreams like you for real
Well I might have turn a wheel
Whatever it goes round I'll never know
I want to live with blooming wealth
And eat lots in my great health
I feel like entertain for the big show!

The ruffians raises their fists for the great thrills.

Oh yeah!

Eugene slides his boots on deck. He sing-along.

I got a dream!

The thugs are vocalizing.

He got a dream!

Varian ran and hip-bumped against Eugene's. Varian sung too.

We got a dream!

The ruffians are singing.

They got a dream!

Eugene and Varian are raising their eyebrows at each other. They grinned and synced the song together.

We want to be brothers and be a team!

Eugene and Varian are dancing together. Eugene bends his knees down. He sang.

There's no place where I rather be

Varian hugs Eugene. Varian sung.

I have him and alchemy

Eugene grasped Varian's hands. Varian grasps Eugene's hands back. They are spinning around together. They are syncing to the beat in song.

We have come such a long way
We've got a dream!

The thugs are cheering and prancing around shop. They are singing loud and clear.

We've got a dream!
We've got a dream!
We've got a dream!
We've got a dream!
We've got a dream!
We've got a dream!

Everybody made the dance movements one more time.

Yes, when it comes someday
We've got a DREAM!

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