Chapter 9 - Escaping from the Pirate's Ship

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Eugene, Varian, Adira, Lance and Maximus are on board of the ship.

They took the rowboat with them.

The ship departed from the dock.

In the middle of the ocean, Adira does meditating as usual.

Lance napped on a hammock in the below deck.

Maximus lookouts for the ship invaders. The white horse have its front left hoove over its eyes. Maximus squints. The white horse browsed the open sea.

Ruddiger was on Varian's right shoulder. The raccoon rubs its left cheek against his. The alchemist was smiling.

Eugene was next Varian's left side. He smiles too.

They viewed the ocean seascape.

Eugene was cheerful. "This is a diverting adventure. I have to say this, Varian. It was you and me. Ruddiger." Eugene added. He patted the raccoon's head three times. Ruddiger was annoyed yet doesn't bite Eugene's fingers afterwards. "Adira the swordslady and guide. Lance my childhood friend from the orphanage. And Maximus the Coronan guard horse. Heading on the biggest adventure yet." Eugene mentioned.

Varian raised his eyebrow at him. "Is that all we're on the ship for? Going to the Dark Kingdom? For what? Just for Princess Rapunzel's crown, Eugene?" Varian asked.

Eugene shrugged. He was befuddled. "Varian, you might have some brainstorming here." Eugene added. He was bothered. "Well I can't just knock on the Dark Kingdom's door and say..." Eugene said. He was role-playing to be a nice silly billy. "Your majesty, if I may pardon to interrupt your party. You have a crown that actually belongs to the princess named Rapunzel. She's from the kingdom of Corona, by-to-by. And I would be the indulgent for that in exchange of Old Corona's ham sandwiches." Eugene said.

Varian was laughing with Eugene. Varian was confident. He crisscrossed his arms. "Eugene, the king of the Dark Kingdom isn't going to give you the crown over some ham sandwiches." Varian uttered.

Eugene nodded his head twice. He was definitely ridiculous of himself. Eugene was perplexed. "You know what, you're right, Varian." Eugene added. He was delighted. "Switch from ham sandwiches to cookies. Everybody loves cookies. I don't know if you have a favorite cookie, kid. But I'm a big fan of chocolate chips. Especially when they get dunked in the glass of milk." Eugene mentions.

Varian rolled his eyes. "Or cookies either." He utters.

Eugene was quizzed. "Really? No cookies?" He added. Eugene was perplexed again. "The children back in the orphanage loved cookies. Of course, Flynnigan Rider books too. But still." He aforesaid.

Varian shook his head. He was chuckling. Varian was cheery. "You can't seriously win over the Dark Kingdom's king by food, Eugene." Varian uttered.

Eugene was smirking. "Not if the king of the Dark Kingdom desires for mouth-watering..." he added. Eugene was wide-eyed. "The Banquet Galore!" He exclaimed.

Lance arrived quickly out of the below deck. He was a hungry dog. Lance was whacko. "Where is it?! Where's The Banquet Galore?! Where?! Where?!" He shouted.

Lance halted his silliness.

Adira was frowning. "There IS no banquet galore! You're dreaming again, Earrings!" She hollered.

The goofy thief was disappointed. "Aw man!" Lance exclaims. He heads back in the below deck.

Varian narrowed his eyes. He was peeved. "We may have to discuss about the Dark Kingdom's king later, Fishskin." Varian suggested.

Eugene was happy yet awkward. "Yeah, we'll do that, Blue-stripe." He agreed.

All of a sudden, Eugene and Varian are alarmed.

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