Chapter 6 - On the Rowboat Again

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Moments later, Adira finds another river that connects the way to the Dark Kingdom.

Lance gripped the rowboat on a river. He was amused. "That is one sturdy rowboat." Lance said to himself.

Adira got in the rowboat. She sat on one end of it.

Eugene and Varian kept watched on the big thief.

Lance gestures his left hand to them. He was grinning yet goofy. "You two, all abroad to the Dark Kingdom, EUGENE FITZHERBERT and VARIAN." Lance insisted. He lightly laughs at them.

Eugene frowns.

Varian rolled his eyes with annoyance.

Eugene and Varian glanced at each other. Eugene was serious. "Varian, you go talk to Adira. I have some catching up with Lance to do." Eugene told him.

Varian nodded his head. "Okay." He added. Varian was bothered. "Just keep a keen eye on him." He whispered.

Eugene nodded his head back at him. "Got it." He agreed.

Varian jumped on the rowboat. He was seated in the middle of it. Varian faced Adira. She raises her eyebrow at him. Adira just smiles and shrugs. She was acting friendly.

Eugene hopped on the rowboat. He sits in the middle of it. Eugene lays his back against Varian's. He took a deep breath. "I know it's tough, kid." Eugene added. He turned his head to his right a bit. Eugene was melancholy. "We're on a mission to get to the Dark Kingdom for Rapunzel's crown. It's going to be perilous on the way there. I'm still scared of you getting hurt." He said.

Varian shifted his head to his left a little bit. He was solemn. "Eugene, you're a good big brother to me. You defended me for your life. Although, back in Old Corona, you brought everyone's happiness except yourself. I know you're not ready to be with your Miss Right yet. Then...again...I still keep guessing that...Princess Rapunzel is the one for you..." Varian mentioned.

Lance gestured his left hand to call out. He was exuberant. "ALL ABROAD TO THE DARK KINGDOM!" Lance hollered.

Adira, Eugene and Varian cringed.

Lance leaped on the rowboat. It was floating away before he got a chance to sit down. Lance was on the other end of the rowboat. He was facing his buddy from the orphanage.

Eugene sighed. "I don't have a family before, Varian. I'm really putting you first. Love can wait." He suggested.

Eugene faced Lance.

Varian was glum. The raccoon appeared on the alchemist's lap. He made a sad smile on Ruddiger. The raccoon naps on Varian's lap. He gave Ruddiger some back strokes. He encountered Adira.

She was perplexed. "You and...Eugene have known each other, do you?" Adira asked.

Varian was too depressed to be irritable. He took a deep breath. "Eugene has been living in Old Corona for one year. It's true he called himself Flynn Rider to play the character from the book. Eugene and I are unexpected friends at first. He was gonna take me to the tower." He added. Varian closed his eyes. He stopped petting the raccoon. Varian was gloomy. "We got into trouble. I drowned in the river. Eugene saved my life. We missed Rapunzel in the tower. We couldn't find the crown. He protected me in Old Corona afterwards. We haven't leave again ever since." Varian uttered.

Adira blinked her eyes twice. She was unanticipated to hear such a story. Adira ponders. Then, she was bemused. "It seemed to be an interesting tale you told me. Eugene do cared for you like your father." Adira commented.

Varian opened his eyes. He digs thru his satchel. Varian brought out the folded paper. He unfurled the paper into the parchment. Varian looks at it. He sighs.

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