Chapter 3 - Out on the Rowboat/The Apples

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On the flowing river, Eugene and Varian cuddled together in the rowboat.

They are solemn.

Eugene was regretful. "Too bad I don't know where we're going. And we have nothing with us." He said.

Varian was glum. "Great. No food. No water. Not even a map. We're gonna be lost in the outside world." He stated.

The familiar gray critter popped its head on the rowboat. It looked all wet.

Eugene was surprised. "What the raccoon!" He exclaimed.

Varian was glad. He extended his arms. "Ruddiger!" Varian exclaims.

The raccoon squeaks with joy. Ruddiger scurried to Varian. The raccoon shakes itself. Eugene closed his eyes. Varian chuckles. They got sprayed at. Ruddiger was fluffy-looking. Eugene opened his eyes. He blinked his eyes three times. Eugene was mystified. The raccoon was on Varian's chest.

Eugene raised his eyebrow at it.

Varian hugs Ruddiger. "Aw, I missed you buddy." He added. Varian petted the raccoon. Ruddiger was happy to see Varian. Varian was emotional. "I appreciate your comfort for me. Somehow, my heart was breaking." He sobbed.

The raccoon squeaked. Ruddiger wiped Varian's tears away.

Eugene was bothered. "Brilliant. Another mouth to feed." He said.

Varian faced Eugene. Varian was confident. He raises his eyebrow at him. "Well, this 'another mouth to feed' knows how to fend for itself." Varian believed.

Eugene frowns. "What does the raccoon do? Finding food from trees?" He asked.

Varian chuckled at him. "That's what Ruddiger do every day back in Old Corona." He answered.

Eugene recognized Varian's crying. Eugene looked at him.

Varian whimpers. "Dad..." he sobs. Varian brought his waterworks from his eyes. The raccoon pats him gently.

Eugene was sympathetic. "Oh, oh hey. Hey Varian, it's okay." Eugene added. He holds him tight. "Look I know it's hard. What your dad had me do with you, he wanted us to be safe. It's gonna be all right." Eugene reassured.


Dawn approaches over the mountain hills.

Varian and Eugene (including Ruddiger) slept on the moving rowboat. They are snoozing peacefully.

The rowboat halted by the river's shore.

They are in for a rude awakening.

Varian and Eugene woke up startling. They are wide-eyed. The raccoon squeaks in its fright.

Varian was stunned.

Eugene was exasperated. "Oh, what now!" He exclaimed.

Ruddiger peeks from the end of the rowboat.

Varian surveyed the area. He was bewildered. "Our ride was stopped." Varian believes.

Eugene was stretched his arms. He was a bit exhausted. "Really, kid..." Eugene yawned.

Varian browsed around. He was seeing how Mother Nature created the planet. The fields of grass. The greenery of trees. The flowers bloomed in the meadows. Then, Varian glimpsed at one particular tree. There are red dots on top of the tree. He was cheerful. "Eugene, I found apples!" Varian shouted.

Eugene glimpses where Varian sees. He was contented. "Nice, Varian." Eugene added. "Now we just have to reach out for them. We'll worked together as Team Awesome." He declared.

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