Chapter 18 - Varian's Anxiety/King Edmund's Sorry

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Note: Sad scene. Sorry about that, again.

Eugene and Varian are by themselves in the empty guest room. Eugene still carries Varian in his arms.

They have just sat on the bed.

Eugene embraced Varian. Eugene was warmhearted. "Varian, this is full of too many surprises in the Dark Kingdom. I don't like it either. For the king has been carried out, it was a real fuss here." Eugene reassured.

Varian cannot stop crying. He sobbed a few times. Varian's cheeks are drenched with his teardrops. He was lost in his weep.

Eugene's right hand rubbed lightly on Varian's face. Eugene was trying to clean Varian. Eugene was solemn. "Oh, Varian. I know you loved your dad." Eugene added. Varian was emotional. Eugene tries again to wiped Varian's tears away. Eugene was sad. "Hey, I'm here for you, brother. I'm here. Please don't cry. I'll cry too if you don't stop." He whispered.

Varian looked up at Eugene. Varian was melancholy. He was getting difficult of his breathing. "The king of THIS castle put you at the orphanage...The king WAS your dad an entire time...The king KNOWS my dad..." Varian added. He was frightened. "What am I gonna do? WHAT am I gonna do?" Varian sobs. He was gasping harder. Varian was disbelieved and perturbed. He was crying harder. "I am orphan...and all alone..." Varian whispers. He whimpered a couple times.

Eugene comforted Varian. Eugene hushed Varian. Eugene was sympathetic yet sorrowful. "Varian, you're not alone...Because if I have not met you...things would have a lot awfuller back in Old Corona than that..." Eugene added. He made a sad smile at Varian. Eugene was heartfelt. "Just right now...we are here in the ghastly don't need to worry about being lonely...Because, Varian..." Eugene uttered.

Varian blinked his eyes twice. He was depressed. Varian glanced at Eugene. He takes deep breaths. Varian's tears would not quit falling.

Eugene's right hand cupped Varian's face. Eugene was sadly glad. "You have a big brother...You really got me by the unexpected thing one year ago...Your invention-y...or scienc-y...or alchemy...has caught me..." he believed.

Varian widens his smile. He ultimately stops sobbing. "Eugene..." Varian added, talking softly. He was lifting his broken heart. "And you have a little brother...My big brother, my hero...You and I are still Team Awesome..." Varian utters.

Eugene and Varian touches their foreheads together. Eugene and Varian are happy. Eugene was contented. "The best Team Awesome we have ever invented." He aforesaid.

Varian blinked his eyes once. "For the record...I like Eugene much better than Horace." He mentioned.

Eugene chuckled. He smiles again. "Well, then you'd be the first...Thank you." Eugene said.

Varian took a deep breath. "You're welcome." He said quietly.

There was two knocks from the entryway.

Eugene and Varian faced someone astonishingly.

It was King Edmund. He was nervous.

Varian made a face of his dislike.

Eugene was mad. "What do you want and why?" He asked.

King Edmund sighed. "My point of seeing both of you are right..." he answered.

Eugene raised his eyebrow at the king. "For what seriously?" He wondered.

King Edmund sighs again. He was pitying them. "I have owe Quirin's apologize to Varian...for how foolish I was one year back..." King Edmund added, replying. Eugene and Varian are confused. King Edmund was real apologetic. "Adira explained to me about her meeting with you two...And the princess of Corona...Rapunzel hasn't known either of you until you both saved her from starvation." He said.

Eugene narrowed his eyes. He was peeved. "It was more like dehydration, dad." Eugene stated.

King Edmund nodded his head. Then, he was unclear yet believing to be. "I am ninety nine point nine percent definite that it was starvation." King Edmund uttered.

Eugene and Varian are irked. Their eyes are wider. They frowned at the king. "Enough with the ninety nine point nine percent!" They shouted in unison.

King Edmund was surprised. Then, he clears his throat. King Edmund was unease. " I forgiven about...what happened to Quirin then?" King Edmund asked.

Varian was angry. "My dad doesn't deserve this." He aforementioned.

King Edmund was pathetic. "I was foolish...I admitted..." he said honestly.

Varian was irritated. "I can take your sorry...Yet I can't forgive you about my dad..." he answered finally.

King Edmund was feeling bad for the kid.

Eugene was exasperated. "Dad, this is going to process more than forgiveness." He mentioned.

King Edmund shrugged. "Then what CAN I do to be a better father...Eugene?" King Edmund wondered.

Eugene frowns more. "Yeah, I want Varian and myself to travel back to Old Corona. AFTER the princess of Corona got her crown back." Eugene replied sternly.

King Edmund scratched his head. He was anxious. "Eugene...about Rapunzel..." King Edmund said. He was trying to piece his words together.

Lance arrived in a rush. He was out of breath.

King Edmund, Eugene and Varian are baffled at Lance.

King Edmund was serious. "What's on your mind, sir?" He asked.

Lance takes deeper breaths. He was calm down.

All of a sudden, Lance was alarmed. He gestured out to the hallway on his right. "Rapunzel got the Moonstone!" He screamed.

King Edmund was dreadful.

Varian was horrified.

Eugene was disturbed. "Oh no..." he said.

Eugene feared that his foreboding was really happening.

Last part soon! Getting mind-blown yet? Just curious. Thank you, everyone!

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