Chapter 8 - The Coronan Guard Horse Returns

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The white horse encounters the black horse.

Maximus was snorting angrily at it.

The black horse was angrier.

The white horse counts with its right foot-hoove.

Maximus was making a countdown to charge.

After the white horse counted to two, the black horse ran away.

Maximus was overwhelmed. Then, the white horse was triggered. Maximus galloped after the black horse.

Eugene was happy yet awkward. "Good ol' Max...Always justice before compassion for the innocent people..." he said.

Varian was glad. "Maximus stopped the horse from robbing me...And Ruddiger too..." he added. Varian surveys the area. He finds the raccoon. It was knocked out cold. Varian was feared. He sits up halfway hastily. Varian extended his right hand. "Ruddiger!" He exclaimed.

Eugene got up steady.

Varian was breathing short of his breath. He was getting lightheaded. Varian touched his head with his left hand.

Eugene was anxious. Varian lost his conscious. He closed his eyes. Varian was fainting backwards. Eugene tried to catch him. "Varian!" He shouted. Eugene had Varian in his arms.

Adira was bemused. She goes to the raccoon. Adira picked it up in her arms. "Sweet-critter was unconscious. It'll wake up after several minutes." She believed.

Eugene was sad. He can hear Varian breathing. Eugene wrapped him tightly. "Varian, I promised your dad to protect you...And I'm still keeping that promise...Don't worry, kid...I got you..." Eugene whispered. He shut his eyes. Eugene kissed Varian's head.

Adira stepped toward Eugene and Varian. She was raising her eyebrow. "Fishskin, you have a right idea to go chasing Blue-stripe. The real world is not safe for everybody. Especially to those who are gentle." Adira stated. She petted Out-Cold-Ruddiger.

Eugene encountered her. He was concerned. "Adira, did you found the guard horse? Or did the guard horse found you?" Eugene asked.

She shrugged. Adira was perplexed. "The guard horse named Max finds me. I told him what happened. Then, the guard horse was serious about the con horse." She answered.

Eugene was relieved. "I have to thank Max when I see him again...I owed that horse the princess's crown..." he suggested.

The horse's neigh got heard in the forest.

Adira faced the other direction. "I guess you can thank him now, Fishskin." She uttered.

Eugene followed Adria's glance.

Something came back.

It was Maximus. The white horse shook his head. Maximus was panting. The white horse noticed Eugene and Varian.

Maximus was confused.

Eugene was fretful. "Max, did you capture the criminal horse?" He wondered.

The white horse smiled. Maximus raised his eyebrow at him. The white horse nodded his head thrice times.

Eugene was delighted yet pitiful. "Heh, thank you, Max. We would have been much trouble if you haven't show up." He mentioned.

The white horse grinned.


Lance waited impatiently for the others to come back soon.

He already positioned the rowboat out of the river.

Lance was sitting on the grassy ground next to it.

Then, he hears somebody's footsteps.

Lance was beamed. "Guys! You're all back!" He exclaims.

Adira has arrived first. She carries the Knocked-Out-Cold-raccoon. Maximus was beside her.

Eugene came last. He carried Unconscious-Varian in his arms.

Lance was mystified. He walked to Eugene. "Is the kid all right?" Lance wonders.

Eugene was melancholy. "Varian just fainted. He'll open his eyes again." Eugene added, replying. He walked away from Lance. "And the con horse got arrested, thanks to Max." Eugene replied.

Lance blinked his eyes twice. He almost blew his raspberry.

Eugene glared at Lance. He was angry. "That's not funny, Lance." Eugene vented.

Lance was astonished.

The white horse shook his head.

Adira was determined. She faced the scatterbrained thief. "I would watch where your mouth was going to, Earrings." Adira warned.

Lance zipped his own lips. He was afraid.


It was nighttime.

Several minutes later, Maximus had a rope on his saddle. It was knotted on it to the rowboat's end. There was a grappling hook in the rowboat.

The white horse was walking with ease.

Adira was seated on one end of the rowboat. She was neared the grappling hook.

Lance sat in the middle of the rowboat. He was sleeping again. Lance snored like a big duck.

Adira couldn't meditate because of the thief's snore. She was irritated. Adira pulled out a fruit from the tree. She threw a red apple at Lance's head. The bonehead thief woke up startling. He looked around. Lance stared at Adira.

She was meditating peacefully.

He sighed. Lance was tired yet cheery. He went back to snooze again. Lance haven't go snoring again.

Eugene slumbered with Out-Cold-Varian. He was on the other end of the rowboat. Eugene held Varian in his arms. Ruddiger cuddled on Varian. The raccoon was warming the kid up.

The alchemist moves his body gradually. Varian stirred. "Mmm..." he murmured. Varian flickered his eyelids.

Eugene opened his eyes instantly. He gasped. Eugene was bewildered.

Varian was waking up. He took deep breaths. Varian was surprised. He looked down. "Ruddiger..." Varian whispered. He petted the raccoon's head.

Eugene was affectionate. "Your buddy was awake before you have. He's all right. Ruddiger kept you warm." He mentioned.

Varian glanced up. He was cheerful yet awkward. "Eugene..." he added. Varian hugged him. Eugene hugs him back. Varian sighs. "You defended me. You hold me safe in your arms." He believed.

Then, Varian recognized something. He was solemn. Varian let Eugene go. He was taken himself hard. "I didn't mean to be in peril over a horse..." Varian mentions.

Eugene was unanticipated.

Varian was upset. He was breathing heavy. "I didn't know the horse was trying to trick me..." Varian added. He produced his tears from his eyes. "I really clue that...the horse was a trap..." Varian sobbed. He was crying.

Eugene was sympathetic. He embraced Varian in his arms. Eugene leaned on Varian's head. He closed his eyes. "Varian, your heart was in the right place. But it's not what you expect. Adira was right. The real world is not safe." Eugene added. He kissed Varian's head. Eugene sighs. "Varian, stay close to me. I won't let anything bad happen to you. You're my brother. Always. I love you." Eugene whispered.

Varian took a deep breath. "I love you too, Eugene. My big brother. I will stick with you anywhere. I promise." Varian declared.

Next part soon.

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