Chapter 11 - The Pompoen Pepper

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The group of six went on the search for a princess of Corona.

To their discovery, they're about to get encountered by living plant-beings.

There was a yellow leaf creature. It got spooked by seeing peculiar people. The little yellow leaf creature ran away.

Eugene, Varian, Ruddiger, Adira, Maximus and Lance are baffling.

Varian raises his eyebrow. "I understand the leaves on the wall." He added. Varian grins. He was confident. "They are actual small people." Varian believed.

Eugene was confused. "Okay...Little leafy people..." he said.

Eugene surveyed around the area. He was cheerful. "Oh, I found food." Eugene uttered. He goes to the patch of peppers.

They witnessed at Eugene.

Varian was concerned. "Hey, don't you think you should ask before you eat that?" He wondered.

Eugene shrugged. He pick one pepper. "Varian, if the little leafy people left the sign says 'Help yourself', I would definitely HELP MYSELF." Eugene replied. He pointed out to Varian.

There was a small white sign. It was written in black writing.

Help Yourself!

Eugene was pleased. "See." He said.

Lance nodded his head. He was delighted. Lance narrowed his eyes. "Oh yeah, Eugene, I see it." Lance understood.

Varian was still concerned. "Eugene, you need heard this from me." He urged.

Eugene raised his eyebrow at Varian. Eugene was smirking. "I'm listening." He said.

Varian took a deep breath. "Back in Corona, Xavier told me about he's in sureness about an island like this. I have recalled about Terapi Island legend or myth. The legend of the Lorbs and their village are really true." Varian mentioned.

Eugene smiles. He nodded his head. Eugene was glad. "Now I can see why Rapunzel painted the little leafy people and etc." He aforesaid. Eugene attempts to take a bite of the pepper.

Varian pondered. He was befuddled. "The myth of the Terapi Island is the giant firefly. Xavier says it was eating too much exotic pompoen peppers out of the Lorbs' gardens." Varian added. He lifted his left index finger. "Which, that's what causes the giant firefly to get sick suddenly." Varian stated.

Eugene was bemused. He was chewing the pepper. "Just what does the pompoen peppers look like?" Eugene asked, talking with his mouth full.

Varian faced Eugene. "Simple, it's a pint-sized vegetable and it's red-" He added. Varian was bewildered. "red-red-red-red-" he halted himself in his suddenness.

Eugene was confident. He raises his eyebrow at Varian. "Okay, I get it. It's a red pepper." Eugene added. He was fanning with his left hand hastily. "Nothing wrong about a...about aaaaaa..." Eugene said. He was making an awkward silly face.

Adira tilted her head. She was mystified.

The white horse tilts its head. Maximus raised his eyebrow.

Lance chuckled a bit. He was mischievous. Lance crisscrossed his arms. "About a red pepper, Eugene?" He wondered.

Eugene was bothered. His cheeks became red as the poppy flowers. He was gaining his sweat on his face. "Yes, Lance, a red pepper." Eugene added, replying. He doesn't stop moving his left hand frantically. Eugene was awkward yet on the edge. "Okay, is it just me or am I getting hotter by the second?!" He inquired in exclamation.

The raccoon cups his mouth. Ruddiger was holding his effort to laugh. The raccoon was devious.

Varian was worried. He has his eyes widened. "Eugene, I did bring up about the giant firefly eating the pompoen peppers, right?" Varian asked.

Eugene tries to smile yet awkward and acting funny. "Yeah...ya did..." he added, answering. Eugene was breathing with his teeth closed together. "What about it?" He wondered.

Varian took a deep breath. "Well...about the pompoen peppers..." he added. Varian was nervous. He perturbed. "You ate one." Varian replied.

Eugene let his tongue stick out. His eyes went wider. He was staggered. Eugene dropped the pompoen pepper. He was making ridiculous noises. "Gaaaah!" Eugene screamed in his wheeze.

Lance was panicking. "Oh my god!" He added, shrieking. Lance looks around hysterically. "Hey! HEY! We need water here! Eugene's on fire!" Lance screams.

Ruddiger released his laughing out loud in his squeaks. The raccoon was holding its stomach. Ruddiger wasn't gonna stop squeaking in his laughs.

Varian perceives the raccoon's laughter. Varian frowns. He was not happy. Varian put his hands on his hips. He was angry. "Ruddiger, stop that!" Varian shouted.

The white horse neighed louder. Maximus was snorting humorously. The white horse was losing its mind.

Varian raises his eyebrow. He noticed another animal chuckling. Varian growled. "Not you too, Maximus!" He shouts.

The white horse and the raccoon are laughing at Eugene.

Adira was amused. "What do you know, the hot red pompoen pepper." She stated.

The few yellow and red Lorbs left a glass of water.

Lance detected it. He was pleased.

Lance snatched the glass of water from the sandy ground. He offered it to Eugene. "I got it! I got the water!" Lance hollered.

Eugene grabbed it from Lance. He was frustrated. "GET ME THAT!" Eugene yelled. He chugged the whole glass of water.

Varian cupped his mouth. He was anxious.

Eugene finished chugging some water. He was breathing hard.

Varian walked to Eugene slowly. He was solemn. "Are you all right, Eugene?" Varian asked.

Eugene was annoyed yet awkward. He grabbed Varian's satchel. Eugene made a slight smile. He was a mess. Eugene was out of breath. "Oh, yeah, don't mind me. I'm just gonna scream into this for a little bit." He answered.

Eugene put his face on the satchel. "Ahhhhhhhh!" He muffled in his screaming.

Varian raised his eyebrow at him. He felt bad for Eugene.

Next part soon!

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