Chapter 12 - You're Not Pirates?!

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The group of six have finally met the Lorbs in their village.

They encountered by the red-leaf creature. It was angry. The red-leaf creature has three yellow droplet markings on its head. "Don't come any closer, trespassers! Alfons won't allow anyone to invade our village!" The red-leaf creature yelled.

Alfons and his leader's pack are in their fighting stances.

The Lorbs are carrying mini spears.

Eugene, Varian, Adira, Lance, Ruddiger and Maximus are bewildered.

Eugene was awkward yet natural. "Whoa, whoa hey little leafy people. We aren't here to take your miniature village." He clarified.

Varian was perplexed. "We are just wanting to ask if you have seen a princess named Rapunzel." He mentioned.

The red-leaf creature was surprised. "The blond-long-hair-enchantress?!" Alfons exclaimed in his question mark.

Eugene raised his eyebrow at the red-leaf creature. "No, Rapunzel's the princess, not the enchantress." He stated.

Lance was curious. "Is she here by any chance?" He asked.

Alfons shook his head. "Nah-da." He answered.

Adira was bemused. She raises her eyebrow. "Nah-da?" Adira wondered.

Alfons was disappointed. "Nah-da. The-blond-long-hair-enchantress has departed here three days ago." He replied.

The Lorbs stands on their ground.

Eugene was astonished. "Three days ago?!" He exclaimed in his disbelief.

Varian was astounded. He raised his eyebrow. "Do you know where Rapunzel was going?" Varian asked.

Alfons was definite. "The blond-long-hair-enchantress is heading to the sunless castle. She was traveling all alone." He answered.

The group of six are all mind-blown.

Eugene and Varian glanced at each other.

Eugene was concerned. "The Dark Kingdom." He uttered.

Varian was afraid. "Rapunzel WAS on her own for her crown. She could be facing danger on the way there." He said.

Eugene was baffled yet calmed. "Okay, okay. First off, we don't know where Rapunzel is for a moment. And secondly, she has a frying pan. The princess can defend herself." He believes.

Varian extended his arms. He frowns. "Eugene, Rapunzel possesses the Sundrop." Varian added. "Why did she have her long blond hair again?!" He asked in exclamation.

Eugene was irritated. "I don't know." He added, answering. Eugene was befuddled. "However Rapunzel got her long blond hair again, there's gotta be a good explanation for that." He said.

Then, there was a shout from afar.


The group of six are alarmed.

Alfons was mad. "The intruders!" He cried out loud.

The Lorbs prepares their spears.

Lance raises his fists. He was frowning.

Adira brought out her big black sword. She was fierce.

Eugene pulls out his sword. He was resolute. "Get your alchemy ready, Varian." Eugene mentions.

Varian pulled out his big purple orbs. He was determined. "Ready as I'll ever be." Varian whispered.

Eugene faced the Lorbs. "Protect the village. We'll hold them off." He commanded.

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