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"Come back here you dirty little thief!" Another enraged shopkeeper cried out while chasing after you. You were practically running for the safety of your wellbeing ,again. It was the same routine every night, you break into a shop, you attempt to steal food and sometimes a drink. If you succeed, you have a good meal, but if you don't succeed you go to bed hungry. (Unless you find a shop that's open really late, but that only happens every once in a while). You wouldn't have had to been in this situation if it wasn't for your parents passing away. Your parents passed away a few years ago due to unknown causes, leaving you to fend for yourself and steal food. Eventually you became quite good at stealing, due to doing it a few years.

Since you couldn't hear the shopkeepers yells, you thought that he gave up chasing you. This was good because you was running out of breath anyway. Now, your lungs felt like they were set on fire, and your legs were aching. "Well at least I lost him," you said to yourself exhausted. While wiping sweat off your face, you realized you wasn't holding the can of f/f anymore. 'What the,' you thought, while looking behind you to see if you dropped it. With a exhausted and sad groan, you decided to just walk to somewhere that has a little shelter. After about 20 minutes of walking, you had no luck of finding a bench or something. And since you didn't want to sleep in the grass, you decided you wanted to go to sleep on the dirt path. That was, until, you saw tea-pot shaped house on a hill.

Because you were in need of help, you started approaching the odd looking house. Now at the doorstep, you started gently knocking at the door. A few seconds after you knocked, you started thinking, 'What if no one's at home?' To your surprise, someone did answer, he was a old gray kettle. When he saw your physical state he gasped, "My dear what happened to" I- I'm s-so sorry to d-disturb you sir, b-but I j-just need a p-place to s-stay f-for a l-little w-while," you begged, on the verge of tears. "My dear no need to apologize," he said warmly, "Please come in." "Thank you sir," you gratefully said, while walking in the cozy house. "Please my dear call me Elder Kettle," he spoke.

"If you don't mind me asking my dear, what is your name?" He questioned. "Oh I'm sorry for not saying it earlier," you said, rubbing your shoulder and flushing a light shade of pink due to embarrassment. "It's y/n," you said in a whispery voice, still blushing a bit. He lightly chuckled, "It's alright y/n." Suddenly, you heard some footsteps upstairs, which startled you a bit. "Uh E-Elder K-Kettle? What's that?" You asked, clearly frightened. "Huh?" Elder Kettle asked, not really knowing what you was referring to. After a few seconds, he realized what you were talking about and reassured, "Oh, that's probably just the boys, but don't worry they're really nice." "Oh ok," you yawned, while rubbing your eyes. Elder Kettle noticed this and said, "It is rather late you should probably get some sleep. There's a spare bedroom upstairs to your left." He said, pointing at the staircase. "Ok thank you Elder Kettle and good night," you smiled, walking towards the wooden staircase. "You're welcome my dear and good night," he smiled back. Once you was up the stairs, you saw the spare bedroom on your left hand side just like Elder Kettle had said. You then walked towards the bedroom door and opened it.

When you entered the bedroom, you found it beautiful. You walked towards the bed on your right, and then laid down on it. To your surprise, you instantly felt more sleepy than when you were downstairs. 'I wonder what the boys that Elder Kettle was talkin' to me about look like?' You thought. 'Eh I'll see them in the morning probably,' you also thought before going to sleep

Ok guys this was chapter one I hope you guys liked it and I'll see you guys on the next one!

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