A/n: before I start season 2

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Oh my gosh! I just wanted to say thank you guys so much for being so patient with me. The reason why I'm saying this is bc I was supposed to have this one done in early April, but I got sidetracked, so yeah, thank y'all! ❤️

Season 1 was quite fun to write, but I got a couple of plans for season 2! (I am aware that it's technically not season 2, but still), but I'm gonna do a couple of things before I start.

1. I'm going to do a story with my grandad in it! He wanted me to do one for him for a while now (it's probably gonna take me a couple of weeks or the longest, 2 and a half months to make
..so I'm just gonna put Cuphead on hold.)

And 2. I'mma do an extra chap for Cuphead!

So yeah, I just wanted to give y'all a heads up and everytime I get done with a season, I'm going to tell y'all a fact abt myself.

Fact: I write all my stories on paper before putting it on Wattpad, mainly for keepsake purposes.

So, that's about it, so take care everyone! And I'll see y'all soon! ❤️

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