Baby Bottle

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The cups were playing marbles, while you was keeping track of who was winning or losing. "Well it's that time again boys," Elder Kettle said, walking towards the door. While walking, he accidently stepped on the marbles, causing them to roll up under the couch. "I'm off to my weekly mustache wax," he smiled, thumping his mustache. "Now remember, two rules while I'm gone," he said, while you and the cups were getting up. "Rule number one, don't touch my radio," he instructed, you and the cups then looked back at the radio. "It's my most prized object after all," he said fondly. "And of course rule number two," he began, causing you three to look back up at him again. "No fighting!" He yelled, specifically talking to Cuphead and Mugman. Before walking out the front door, he pointed his cane at them. When he walked out of the front door, you all just looked at each other. He then opened the front door again and added, "Oh yeah, and make sure y/n doesn't, in any circumstances, get hurt." Once he left, again, you went up under the couch to find the marbles. "Oh, here they are," you smiled, pretty confident you found them. You than grabbed them and pulled them from up under the couch. "Hey guys, I got the marbles," you smiled with closed eyes. Hearing no response from the cups, you opened your eyes, and stopped smiling at the sight of them fighting. "G-Guys p-please s-stop f-fighting, E-Elder K-Kettle told you n-not t-to," you meekly stated, trying to get them to stop. After a few minutes of trying to get them to stop fighting, you gave up and started reading a book. "Hold it!" Mugman yelled. "Say Cuphead why are we fighting again?" He asked, causing you to look up from your book and add, "Yeah why are you two fighting?" Cuphead than answered the question with, "Uh, 'cause we're not supposed too?" "Right!" Mugman exclaimed, and they both continued fighting. With a sigh, you went back to reading your book.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door. The boys stopped fighting and ran towards the door, while you walked towards the door. When you opened the door, the cups said in unison, "Back so soon dearest kettle?" "Uh guys?" You said, they then looked at you, and noticed you was looking down. When they looked down, they saw a crib and a note. You picked up the note. "Please take care of baby," you three read. All of you then looked at each other in confusion, and looked back down at the baby. The baby cooed, causing all of you to awe. "How can someone leave something so precious?" Mugman asked while bringing the baby inside the house. "Uh Mugman?" Cuphead questioned, while him, along with you, walked back inside the house. "What are we supposed to do with a baby?" "Well, we show it love of course," he replied, setting the baby on the floor, and setting himself down on the floor. "Just watch and learn, hello baby my name is Mugman, can you say," the baby then cut him off by reaching for you and calling you 'mama.' Mugman then squealed and looked back at you and Cuphead, while you two was looking at each other confused. "That's right baby, y/n is mama." He squealed, walking over towards you with the baby in his hands. Once he gave you the baby, he pointed to Cuphead, "And Cuphead is dada." "Well I'm proud to be a dada," Cuphead smiled, picking up the baby from your arms. He then lifted up the baby in the air. But once he did that, the baby started crying, causing Cuphead to run around the room screaming, with the baby still in his arms. "Mugman! Y/n! Why's it cryin'!?" He asked. "You most likely need to burp him Cuphead," you calmly said, causing Cuphead to stop running and start trying to burp him, but nothing came out. "I don't think it's workin'," Cuphead exclaimed. "Maybe he need his diaper changed?" Mugman, suggested, causing all of you to have a look of disgust on your faces. "Or I could try burping him?" You suggested picking up the baby from Cupheads' arms. The cups than nodded and started backing away. "It's alright baby," you said, burping the baby. Next thing you know, the baby burped. "Hey it worked," Cuphead cheered, booping the babys' nose. The baby then but his finger, resulting in him yelping in pain. "Did you two see that? That thing bit me!" He screamed, while rubbing his finger. Mugman than gasped, took the baby out of your hands and declared, "Cuphead, baby is not a thing, baby is a baby." Once he finished declaring that, you noticed that the baby blew a raspberry at Cuphead, leaving you to be a bit skeptical, but you decided not to question it. "I think you two need to learn how to get along, while me and y/n prepare some baby food," Mugman said, setting the baby on the couch. He then walked towards the kitchen, and you did the same. "Now remember," Mugman started, now in the kitchen looking back at the baby and Cuphead. "All baby needs is love," he said, holding his hands with closed eyes.

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