Charmed and dangerous

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It's been two days since y'all escaped prison, and now, for the most part, everything's been pretty much the same. However, your friendship with Mugman was still screwed up, and you knew this because he still glares at you and barely talks to you. You also haven't heard from Chalice ever since the cookie fiasco, but you sort of did and didn't care. Did because, at the end of the day, you were still friends but just not as close as you considered her before. Didn't because you were still mad at her. All in all, everything's still somewhat the same.

You were on the couch reading a book while the cups were trying to 'charm' their way into getting cookies from Elder Kettle. You glanced at them and rolled your eyes at them. This was the fourth time they tried it, and the other three times, they were unsuccessful. Once they finished their dance, Elder Kettle applauded them. "Oh, how delightfully charming," he smiled as he got up from the chair. "But you two will never charm your way into my cookie jar!" He shouted at them with knitted brows. He soon walked off causing the cups to, "Aw," in unison.

"We've been doing that stupid dance Chalice taught us for weeks and it hasn't worked once," Mugman said as he paced around the room. "I'm telling you, Cuphead, she was messing with us," he said with crossed arms. "No way, Chalice wouldn't do that," Cuphead replied causing you to say, "Yeah, I think we know by now that she would," while not looking away from your book. "Well, yeah but I think that she's changed now," he smiled making you just nod your head while Mugman scoffed. "C'mon, Cuphead, we know nothing about her, except that she's y/n's 'best friend' and she abandoned us and never came to visit us in prison," he said. "Yeah," you said making Mugman narrow his eyes at you. "See, that's three things we know about her already," Cuphead grinned. Mugman soon sighed and said, "I really thought that she was gonna be our friend," as he picked up the black top hat and cane they used for their performance. "It was nice not being on our own," he said dejectedly while walking to the coat hanger. "Hey, Chalice is a great friend now probably," Cuphead defended with hands on hips. "Well, if she was so great now, how come we've never heard from her again, hmm?" Mugman questioned as he hung the hat and cane up. Suddenly, there was a knock on the door making you look at it with a raised brow. "Ooh, maybe that's your dear friend Chalice now," he mocked before opening the door.

Turns out, it was Chalice making you look at her with wide eyes. 'How did she even find us?' You thought. After this, you heard her say, "Hi, it's me, Chalice," with a smile before Mugman slammed the door as you let out a sigh. "Chalice!" Cuphead exclaimed as he ran over to the door and opened it with a smile. "Shh, keep it down, will ya?" She said as she closed the door back. She soon walked over to the window and closed the curtain. "I'm being chased by an angry mob," she said causing Cuphead to gasp. "Angry mob!" He exclaimed while you and Mugman looked at her with an eyebrow raised. "Yep, an angry mob," she clarified as she opened a chest and pulled out a plank, hammer, and nails. As she did this, she said, "Y'know all those chumps that gave me free stuff? Well, they started to catch on that we were scamming em, apparently they got a problem with that," she shrugged. After this, she put her arms around both the cup's shoulders. "So, I thought that I could stay here since all of us had a great time last time," she said as she turned to you with a grin on her face. This made you sigh and walk over to them.

"Yeah, some great time!" Mugman yelled. He soon stomped over to the chest while saying, "You ditched us! Whammo, you're gone!" As he closed it. "And we wind up in the big house," he said in an irritated tone. "Yeah, and you could've visited us or something," you mumbled loud enough for her to hear. "Well, I was going to, y/n, but I was busy with other things," she sighed making you raise a brow at her. "What other things?" You asked in an annoyed tone. "Like trying to get away from the police, you already know how hard that is," she laughed dryly as you looked at her with narrowed eyes. She soon sighed and said, "Ok, the point is the two ding dongs knocked themselves out, you decided to stay, cops stormed in, and I was lucky to get away, but the cookies were pretty good though, huh?" She smiled. "Well, she's got me there," Cuphead shrugged while Mugman said, "Yeah, I guess they were." "So, what'll be guys? Can your old pal Chalice stick around or am I gonna be out on my own running from an angry mob?" She asked.

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⏰ Last updated: May 09 ⏰

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