Handle with Care

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(ok guys, I changed one thing on this one, I hope y'all understand)

"Prepare to have your face rearranged pal," Cuphead smiled, pulling the blindfold on his face down. "You're messing with the wrong mug buddy," Mugman replied, also pulling the blindfold on his face down. "Three," Cuphead counted, fluffing up his pillow. "Two," Mugman counted, doing the same. "One! Go!" Cuphead exclaimed, now charging at Mugman, and Mugman did the same. You were sitting on the couch with anticipation, thinking one of the cups were going to successfully hit each other with the pillow. But your thoughts instantly got anhilated when the cups unknowingly ran past each other. Mugman started hitting a couch, while Cuphead was hitting a lamp. The lamp then fell, causing it to break. Not trying to get in trouble for a broken lamp, you tried to get the boys attention. But since they didn't hear you, you just pulled out a book and started reading it.

A few minutes later, you heard something else shatter, causing you to put down your book and look up at Cuphead and Mugman. "What was that?" Mugman asked, taking off his blindfold. You then looked at Mugman and the moment you looked at him, you let out a small 'ooh' sound and Cuphead did the same. Mugman then turned to face you and Cuphead, "What is it?" He asked. "Well your hand" "Nothing at all," Cuphead quickly stated, putting his hand over your mouth. "Oh it's something," Mugman said, highly skeptical. He then walked over to a mirror. You pushed Cupheads' hand away from your mouth and gave him a 'what the heck?' expression. Cuphead then sighed and said, "Sorry darling, I just didn't want ya to spook him." Before you got to reply, you heard Mugman scream and you saw him running across the room. Cuphead then walked over to Mugmans' handle and picked it up. "Can you feel this?" He asked, tickling it, causing Mugman to fall out laughing. He then managed to get back on his feet. "Hey give me that!" He shouted, snatching his handle away from Cuphead. He then started to hyperventilate, resulting in Cuphead putting a hand around Mugmans' shoulder. "Buddy, relax, we'll handle it," Mugman then glared at him, causing Cuphead to nervously laugh, "I mean take care of it." He then licked Mugman' handle, and placed it back on his head. "Easy as pie, see?" You then got up from the couch and walked over to Cuphead and Mugman. You and Mugman gasped in amazement at the sight of his handle back on him. But, your looks of amazement quickly turned into disappointment when his handle fell off again. Mugman then shrieked again. "Oh boy, that never gets easy," he mumbled, wiping sweat off of his forehead. "Don't worry just yet," Cuphead smiled holding some tape in his hands. He then taped up his face and handle together. "How do I look?" He asked. "Uh you look" "Good as new," Cuphead cheered, cutting you off again. Suddenly, Mugmans' handle fell off again, and he let out a muffled scream. Cuphead snapped his fingers and started thinking. After a few seconds of thought, he let out a 'oh' and ran outside.

You watched him run outside, and you turned back to Mugman. You noticed he was struggling to get the tape off of his face. So, you walked over to him and helped him rip the tape off. He let out a few yelps of pain, but you managed to get it off of him. "Thanks y/n," he thanked. "You're welcome," you slightly smiled at him. Once Cuphead rushed back inside the house, you noticed that he had a beehive in his hand, you then pointed at it and asked, "Uh, what's that for?" "Oh you'll see," Cuphead smirked. "Now, handle please," he said and you gave him the handle. He dipped the handle in the honey. "And voila!" Cuphead beamed, putting the broken handle back on Mugman. "Thanks you two," Mugman thanked, shaking hands with you and Cuphead. All of a sudden, you heard something growl, causing you to look up to see a bear looming over you and the cups. You all ran around the room in circles, trying to get away from the bear. The bear eventually pummeled you three, took the beehive, and then left.

You were all lying on the floor, when Cuphead pondered, "If only there was some kind of substance that could stick one item, to another item, that doesn't attract bears." Mugman then rolled over and started sobbing. You and Cuphead took notice of this and stood up. "Come on Mugsy, this ain't over, 'til we say it's over," Cuphead said, real determined. "It's over," Mugman dejected, turning on his side to face you and Cuphead. You tried to encourage him by saying, "Aw cheer up Mugman," and lifting him up back on his feet. "Yeah, you're gettin' all worked up over nothin'," Cuphead spoke. Mugmans' gloomy expression then turned into anger. "Oh really?" He hissed, while pushing you back. "Well, why don't we snap off your handle too then?" He questioned, lunging towards Cuphead. "No!" Cuphead shrieked, while holding on to his handle. "I-I mean no?" He said, trying to correct what he said before. Mugman then let out a sad sigh and said, "What if it never sticks back on? A mug without a handle is just a bowl. I'm Mugman not Bowlboy." He then paused for a second and clinged onto you and sobbed, "I don't wanna be Bowlboy." You patted his back and he looked up at you. You gave him a sad smile. He then let go of you and glared at Cuphead, "I've never should've let you talk me into this." "What?" Cuphead shouted, "You were the one begging for a blind-folded pillow fight." "This is hardly the time to point fingers Cuphead!" He yelled, pointing a finger at Cuphead. "Well don't get mad at me!" Cuphead hollered at him. "Well don't get mad at me!" Mugman repeated. "Me and y/n are the ones racking our brains trying to remember what glue is!" He hissed. He then realized what he yelled and smiled, "Hey that's right!" "Glue is glue!" You all cheered, and ran towards the kitchen drawer. "Here we go," Cuphead spoke, picking up the glue from the drawer. The moment he picked up the glue, it was revealed that the glue got stuck onto all the other items from the drawer. He then muttered, Oh boy, trying to get the glue unstuck from all of the other items. Mugman than fell onto the floor gloomily and sighed, "I'm never going to fix my handle." His statement caused you to walk over to him and lift him back up on his feet. "Aw cheer up Mugman, we'll get some more glue." Darlin's right, we'll get some more glue from Porkrinds', Cuphead added. "But I can't go out looking like this," Mugman groaned. "No one's even gonna notice, Cuphead reassured," placing a hand on his shoulder again. You then heard Elder Kettle scream, causing you to turn your head towards him. You saw him pointing at Mugman with steam coming out of his spout. He then ran off to who knows where. You turned back to Mugman and sucked air between your teeth, while Cuphead nervously laughed.

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