In Charm's Way

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You was sitting on the couch, reading your book in delight, this was until you heard some noise in the kitchen, making you jump. Soon after this, you put down your book, stand up from the couch, and made your way to the kitchen. Once you made it to the kitchen, you saw that the cups were looking for something in the cupboard. After you analyzed them, you walked up to them. "Uh, what're you guys looking for?" You asked them, causing them to jump and look back at you.

"Oh! Hey darlin, we're just lookin for a jar of cookies," Cuphead smiled, as you raised a brow. "A cookie jar?" You asked, causing the cups to nod with smiles on their faces. "Yeah, Elder Kettle always moves it, so we can't find it," Mugman plainly stated, making you let out a simple 'oh.' "Yeah, you wanna help us find it?" Mugman asked, making you think about the offer for a second. When you was done thinking, you let out a "Sure," while nodding your head slightly, causing the cups to let out an "Alright."

Right after this, Mugman suggested if y'all could look inside the fridge, making you and Cuphead agree to it. After this, you all walked over to the fridge, and once y'all made it to it, you opened it. Cuphead then stuck his head in it, and a few minute after he did this, he took it back out. "Nope, it wasn't in there," he said, while pointing a finger back at the fridge. This caused you to shut the fridge door. After you did this, Cuphead asked if you all could look under the couch cushion, making you and Mugman nod indicating a 'yes.' So, y'all walked into the living room and walked over to the couch. Once you made it to the couch, you lifted up the couch cushion, and as it turned out, there was nothing there. "No, not under here either," you heard Mugman say, as you lowered the couch cushion. "Well, there's only one other place it could be," you heard Cuphead state, causing you to look at him, and you saw that he was holding up his right index finger. This caused you and Mugman to look at each other in confusion, before looking back at him.

"Where?" Mugman asked, causing Cuphead to point at Elder Kettle's room. "There!" He exclaimed, with a huge grin on his face. After he did this, the cups nodded at each other, while you looked at them in nervousness. "But guys," you started, gaining their attention. "I think he's sleeping," you continued, causing Cuphead to smile. "Don't worry darlin, we'll be quick," he said, causing Mugman to nod, making you let out an alright with a small smile on your face. After this, you watched as the cups walked over to Elder Kettle's bedroom door. Then, they slowly opened it, and after this, they tiptoed into his room. They then tiptoed over to his nightstand, and once they made it to his nightstand, Mugman gave Cuphead a leg up. But as soon as Cuphead put his foot on the nightstand, the cups looked at you in fear/shock, causing you to raise a brow at them. After this happened, Cuphead hopped off the nightstand. After he did this, him and Mugman quickly tiptoed out of his room. When they got out of his room, they gently closed the door and rush towards you.

"What happened?" You slowly asked, causing Cuphead to slowly open his left hand. Once he fully opened it, it was revealed to you that he was holding a pair of Elder Kettle's glasses and the lenses appeared to be broken. "Oh dang," you said while sucking air between your teeth. "Yeah," you heard Cuphead reply, causing you to look at him and you saw that he was looking at Mugman. "We gotta get these fixed before Elder Kettle wakes up," he continued, making you and Mugman nod in agreement. The moment he finished saying this, you heard Elder Kettle groan, causing you and the cups to look at each other and gasp. After y'all did this, you all ran into the kitchen and grabbed three potato sacks and gray pails. Y'all then placed the potato sacks on the couch and then placed the pails on top of each of the sacks. Once y'all finished doing this, y'all exited the house, and ran to the optician's shop.

When y'all made it there, you entered the shop and you saw the optician standing behind the counter. You all then approached her counter, which caused her to roll her eyes and let out an annoyed sigh. "How can I help you kids?" She bitterly asked, making you think, 'Wow, she seems pretty rude.' "We came in to see if you could repair these glasses," you heard Cuphead say in slight annoyance, causing you to nod in agreement. After he said this, he handed the optician the glasses. She then examined them, before looking back down at you and the cups. "How on Earth did this even happen?" She rudely asked with a raised brow. "Well, we was trying to get a cookie jar from our elderly caretaker whom was sleepin' at the time," you heard Mugman explain to her. "So let me get this straight," she started, while looking at the glasses again. "You mean to tell me that you three couldn't get a jar from a sleeping old man?" She ended, now looking down at you three, as one of the glasses's frame fell on the floor. "Look lady, can you fix them or not?" You heard Cuphead ask in a snappy tone, causing you to look at him and you saw that he had an annoyed expression on his face and one hand on his hip. "Of course, but I don't appreciate your tone," you heard the optician say, making you look up at her and you saw that she was pointing at Cuphead. After she did this, she turned around and bounced over to a big magnifying glass.

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