Ribby and Croaks

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It was bright and early in the morning and you was still sleeping peacefully, until you woke up due to the sounds of arguing. While trying to sit up on your bed, you winced in pain due to the incident a few days ago. When you successfully sat up, you rubbed your e/c eyes groggily, got up from your bed slowly and walked towards the door. Once you got downstairs and entered the kitchen, you saw that the fridge was open and there was tubs of ice cream splattered on the mahogany colored floor. You turned your head to see Elder Kettle reading a newspaper while Cuphead and Mugman was sitting back turned from one another. "What happened?" You asked Elder Kettle with a raised brow. "Well, Cuphead is accusing Mugman for eating his entire container of ice cream, and Mugman is accusing Cuphead for eating his entire container of ice cream," he responded nonchalant, not looking away from his newspaper. Now knowing what happened, you simply nodded and let out a small 'oh'. "So let me get this straight," you heard Cuphead state. "You expect me to believe that you "sleep ate" an entire container of ice cream without waking up?" "Well you expect me to believe you did." Mugman replied back. As soon as he said that, Cuphead sprung out of his seat and got dangerously close to Mugman. "And just who sleep eats with a spoon?" He questioned with a spoon in his hand. "People with manners," Mugman calmly stated, pushing Cuphead away from him. "You're nothin' but a common thief!" Cuphead yelled, shoving Mugman out of his seat. "No you're the thief!" Mugman yelled, shoving Cuphead. "No you are!" Cuphead yelled, shoving him back. Seeing them bickering made you just simply shake your head and look up at Elder Kettle. You noticed that he was crumpling up his newspaper due to him being irritated. He then fully crumpled up his newspaper and bellowed, "Enough!" Picking up the cups by their handles. "You boys are family, no use of gettin' bent out of shape over little stuff, just let it be water under the bridge," he calmly said, reaching to his pocket to get something. "Now here's five bucks," he said while giving five dollars to Mugman. "And here's some pocket lint," he stated giving Cuphead some pocket lint. They then looked at each other while Elder Kettle stated, "Go do something fun together, you two are brothers." You was smiling until Cuphead yelled, "Why does he always get the five bucks?" "And why does he always get the pocket lint?" Mugman yelled, poking Cupheads' chest. "No you do!" Cuphead shoved Mugman and they were at it again. Your eyes than drooped, due to you being tired of seeing them fight. Elder Kettle than yelled "Out!" Causing the cups to run outside, and you followed them outside.

(Small timeskip)

"And I say we just take the money and buy some more ice cream," Cuphead stated trying to reason with Cuphead. "Right darling?" He asked you, trying to get your opinion. You then blushed a bit because he called you darling. "W-Well I," you was about to say what you thought before Mugman cut you off, "Look if we invest it, we can have as much ice cream as we want when we're older." "But I want ice cream now!" Cuphead whined, making you giggle a bit. "Well you don't have to be such a," Mugman got interrupted by a foghorn blowing, causing you three to stop walking. You three than saw a cruise ship. "Look at that ship!" You exclaimed, looking at the cruise ship. "Yeah," Cuphead replied thinking. After a few seconds of thought he exclaimed, "I bet we'll get loads of ice cream in there!" You and Mugman then looked at him bewildered. "What type of logic is," Cuphead then cut him off by grabbing his and your hands. Once you three made it to the entrance of the cruise, you saw two frogs greeting people and allowing them to enter. 'Wait, don't they look familiar?' You thought, analyzing the two frogs. The short frog then noticed you and asked, "Y/n? Is it really you?" Gaining the taller frogs attention. You didn't just recognize that voice from anywhere, it was actually them! "Ribby! Croaks!" You gasped in happiness and ran towards them and hugged them, while the cups was just looking at each other in confusion. "Wait a minute!" Cuphead yelled, gaining your attention. "You know them?" He asked pointing at the frogs. You nodded, "Yep, they used to babysit me while my parents were away." "And it looks like you brought some other VIPs' didn't ya," Ribby asked you, while nudging Croaks. "Well I," you didn't get to finish your sentence because Ribby asked Cuphead, "Youse two want the premium treatment don't yas?" He then started punching his arm playfully. When you noticed that Cuphead was in pain, you nervously laughed, "Ok Ribby, that's enough." He then stopped punching his arm and smirked at you, "And I see you like him don't yas?" His question caused you and Cuphead to blush. You was just shuffling your feet while Cuphead nervously laughed. Deciding to break the ice, Cuphead pointed to Ribbys' gloves and asked, "What's with the gloves?" You stopped shuffling your feet and spoke, "Yeah, were y'all like boxers or something?" "Yep we used to be pro boxers," Ribby said. "Champions," Croaks added. "But our dear old ma, she hates when we pounded each other," Ribby sorrowfully stated. Him and Croaks then placed a hand on their chests. Ribby then cheered up and exclaimed, "So we opened this club! We're respectable types now." "And anyone who says different I'll pound 'em," Croaks threatened, causing the cups to flinch. You nervously smiled and Ribby nervously laughed, "Croaks was just kiddin'." "Now check this out," he said, dashing towards the entrance sign. "If you guys want an evening you'll never forget, we got first class entertainment, ball room dancing, and fine dining." While you was reading the sign, you heard Cuphead exclaim, "Mugsy! Y/n! Look!" "Free ice cream with entry," he read. "Ice cream!" The cups cheered, they then attempted to run inside of the shop, but Croaks grabbed them by their shorts. Not so fast! He yelled, letting go of their shorts, causing them to land face first into the ground. "Gonna cost y'alls twenty bucks," Ribby said, holding his hand out. "We don't have that much," Cuphead stated sorrowfully. He received a hum in response. "Well how much ya got?" Ribby asked. You then helped the cups up. Mugman then pulled the 5$ bill out of his pocket. Cuphead then snatched it out of his hand and pulled some pocket lint out of his pocket and showed it to Ribby. "Five bucks and some pocket lint." He then snatched the 5$ bill out of his hand and asked, "You know what five bucks gets ya don't ya?" "Ice cream?" The cups asked, rubbing their hands together, expecting a yes. Instead, they bother got picked up by their heads and Croaks said, "A kick in the pants." "Wait!" You yelled, trying to get them to stop, but it was too late, they already kicked them in the river. While they were laughing, you decided to go help the cups. They then noticed you were leaving, causing Ribby to yell, "Wait! Y/n, don't ya want a tour of the boat?" You politely said no and said you was going to help the cups. They just nodded and walked inside the boat. After they did this, you ran over to the boys aid.

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